
These are the words Australians use you can't say overseas.

A Facebook post by comedian Ricky Gervais has highlighted how words are different down under and it’s a bloody cracker.

The original post may have been correcting Americans’ understanding of the British use of the word…. that rhymes with bunt and starts with c.

But it was soon hijacked by a number of true blue Australians.

One ocker bloke took it upon himself to explain the delicate cultural nuances of the Australian language.

“In Australia, being called a “mad c*nt” is the highest praise you can receive. However, if someone says “Listen, c*nt” they are probably about to hit you. It can be confusing for foreigners,” he said.

The term seemed to be a hot topic as other Australians weighed in on its possible interpretations and uses within our country.

“Let’s get realistic, in Australia that word is mainly used by ferals and bogans. It might get a few laughs on a stand up stage but in real life it will always be uncouth,” they said.

Just in case you needed further evidence of our cultural prestige. Post continues after video.

Another culturally-sensitive Aussie decided to weigh in on the great bumbag/thong debate.

“In Australia a bumbag is tied around the waist and sits on the bum. I don’t know how an American wears a fannypack because a fanny is a vagina. We also wear thongs on our feet but then we do apparently live upside down under the world,” they said.


A British person posted how the shared Australian/British term for cigarette is also open to cheeky misinterpretation.

“Visiting San Fran, I made the mistake of saying “I’ll be outside smoking a fag”. Everyone thought I was going out to shoot a homosexual,” the user said.

San Francisco seemed to be a place of great cultural confusion as another user revealed the intimate and accidental confessions their mother had made on a recent trip.

“I was in San Francisco with my mum and she was ripped off by a Chinese guy over some post cards on the first day. Whenever she was asked if she was having a nice time by San Franciscans, she said, “yeah its lovely except I was diddled by a Chinese man”,” they said.

“Some weeks later back home, watching an American programme, we realised that in the U.S. “to be diddled” is to be “frigged/fingered”. Suddenly the shocked faces made sense.”


Sydney harbour during 2016's Vivid light festival. Source: Instagram: @manjekah.

Another Australian user decided to use the post as evidence of the strong ties held between our nation and the motherland.

"And this is why Aussies and Brits tend to get along so well, we understand the insults when hanging shit on each other, and we don't take it to heart when taking stabs at each other," they said.

"Yanks really need to lighten up sometimes."

Gervais seems to have struck a chord with members of the two nations as the post only continues to rise in success.

It is currently bordering 100,000 likes with thousands of comments and shares.

On ya, Gervy, ya mad bunt.


Feature image via Instagram @clancymcdowell.

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