
The Facebook meme that's dividing parents

This meme has been doing the rounds of parents’ inboxes, and inspiring some pretty strong reactions.

Memes about parenting are funny, right? You use get a photo or some bold type face and ‘insert humorous observation about parenting here’. Except this is one meme I won’t be sharing. And you can see why.

When I first saw this meme all I could think was that spanking doesn't inspire respect, it inspires fear. Am I the only one who feels this way?

The idea that spanking children inspires respect is out-dated, right? A 2013 survey shows a shocking 69 percent of parents still spank their children, despite research showing just how harmful this form of discipline can be.

This is one meme I will not be sharing on my Facebook page.

If this meme popped up in your Feed, would you share, or blast the sender?

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