A Newcastle health professional has been told her Facebook advertising does not meet standards due to an image of a pregnant woman’s silhouette.
Karen Scanlen says she is in disbelief over Facebook’s response to her online marketing submission.
Based in Newcastle, just out of Sydney, Karen operates ‘Embracing Birth’, a multi faceted approach to supporting women through childbirth. Karen not only offers traditional antenatal classes but also hypnobirthing and doula services.
As a health professional as well as a midwife and childbirth educator, Karen decided to use Facebook like many small business owners to reach her target audience- namely women in her area of child bearing age.
You can imagine her surprise when Facebook responded to her submission by rejecting her business logo, citing that it "doesn't meet Facebook's ad policy standards" because it features an image they deem to contain "excessive amounts of skin or suggestive content". Facebook further explained to Karen that it does not allow images that "depict people in explicit or suggestive poses or images that show nudity or cleavage".
So just how offensive is this image? Well, you be the judge...
Yep. That's really it.
No gory birth pics, certainly no images showing the actual conception of said baby and thankfully, none of those pesky breastfeeding shots (that's a joke, by the way #freethenipple #normalisebreastfeeding)
Amazingly, despite rejecting Karen's submission several times, Facebook has no issue allowing images of women barely dressed like this to fill newsfeeds but deems a cartoon drawn silhouette of a women in a perfectly natural state to be offensive.