This was, hands-down, the worst thing that’s ever happened to my face.
This year, the Internet is very keen to tell you that there’s one way to get “wrinkle-free, baby-smooth skin” – and it’s removing all the hair from your face.
“Shave your face,” the beauty stories say, and you will never look back.
Well, I’m here to tell you one thing: Don’t.
One year ago something so embarrassing, so awkward, so cringe-worthy happened to me that I could only tell two people (my mum and best friend) about it. Strap in, ladies.
The scene of The worst thing to ever happen to my face Incident was my local beautician. Can you feel what’s coming? I rocked up for my regular appointment, full of excitement about the fact that I’d soon have perfectly sculpted brows and a baby’s-bum-smooth upper lip.
Brows done… so far, so good.
My waxer was about to start making me mo-less until she was distracted by the “fluff” (a word you never want associated with your face) taking residence next to my hairline. I’ve long felt a teeny bit embarrassed about the slight fuzz of blonde hair that covers my skin – I know that it’s completely normal, but it’s one of my soft spots (geddit?).
Pawing my sideburns, the wielder of hot wax observed, “You have quite a bit of soft hair on your face, you’d look so much better if we waxed it off.”
Me: “Um, no.”
Her: “Oh, but your makeup would slide on so smoothly.”
Me: “No, seriously, it’s a no.”
Her: “Go on, you’ll be so happy with the results, it’s not nice to have that much hair on your face.”