Do you have stubborn dark circles under your eyes? What about acne long after adolescence? Do you suffer from redness on your nose and cheeks?
The new (actually ancient) science of face reading holds the key to unlocking the mysteries behind problem skin.
In traditional Chinese medicine, our faces are an indicator of health or disease. Each area of the face (it’s divided into 14 sections) relates to an internal organ or area of the body.
The forehead is linked to digestion, the nose and cheeks are linked to the heart, and the chin is linked to the reproductive organs.
When there’s an imbalance in the body, it’s believed that it will show on the face in complexion, texture or moisture changes. Be it congestion as pimples or whiteheads, dehydration or lines.
Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Dermalogica. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.
In other words, what your face says about you has just as much to do with your general health as the stuff you put on it. So if you find yourself breaking out no matter how many cleansers or exfoliators you try, you may benefit from looking into what health issues are linked to that corresponding zone.
Why am I telling you this? Well, since you asked, Dermalogica have developed Face Mapping® which uses Chinese facial diagnosis in conjunction with a skin analysis to help you get your best skin yet. I had the technique done, and here’s what I learned.