
"The 5 things my face told me about my body."



Do you have stubborn dark circles under your eyes? What about acne long after adolescence? Do you suffer from redness on your nose and cheeks?

The new (actually ancient) science of face reading holds the key to unlocking the mysteries behind problem skin.

In traditional Chinese medicine, our faces are an indicator of health or disease. Each area of the face (it’s divided into 14 sections) relates to an internal organ or area of the body.

The forehead is linked to digestion, the nose and cheeks are linked to the heart, and the chin is linked to the reproductive organs.

When there’s an imbalance in the body, it’s believed that it will show on the face in complexion, texture or moisture changes. Be it congestion as pimples or whiteheads, dehydration or lines.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Dermalogica. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

In other words, what your face says about you has just as much to do with your general health as the stuff you put on it. So if you find yourself breaking out no matter how many cleansers or exfoliators you try, you may benefit from looking into what health issues are linked to that corresponding zone.

Why am I telling you this? Well, since you asked, Dermalogica have developed Face Mapping® which uses Chinese facial diagnosis in conjunction with a skin analysis to help you get your best skin yet. I had the technique done, and here’s what I learned.


1)   They know when you haven’t been drinking enough water.

Recently, I’ve switched my water intake for caffeine. All the caffeine. I’m averaging three coffees a day, with maybe one glass of water and that’s only if I remember. Skye, the Skin Therapist who mapped my face could tell. Instantly. My forehead (the upper forehead is linked to the bladder) showed signs of dehydration as lines. That was enough to send me to the water cooler, 2L bottle in hand.

2)   The pimples on your chin aren’t your fault (or chocolate’s).

I always knew that the once-monthly spots around my chin were the result of hormone changes and Chinese diagnosis confirms it. This area is linked with hormones and the reproductive organs. Micro-comedones are often present at the sides of the chin and may erupt into papules (blackheads, whiteheads) or pustules (pimples) at the onset of your period. Interestingly, breakouts in this area also indicate when you are ovulating (and on which side). Also, pass the Top Deck.

Nicky’s Face Map

3) The whiteheads were my fault.

During the Face Mapping consultation a Dermalogica Skin Therapist looks at your skin with a magnifying headsetthat looks not unlike a welding visor. I helpfully pointed out the milia (whiteheads) on my cheeks just in case they couldn’t be seen at 100x zoom. (They could.) After answering a few questions Skye discovered the parked milia had more to do with my penchant for primer and sleeping in my makeup than any other factors (I only have myself to blame). Skye also nailed a diagnosis of rosacea (even though I haven’t had a flare up for years) and was wearing makeup.


4)   The eyes are a window to your liver and kidneys.

Skye thankfully didn’t say much about my under eye area (I think almost falling asleep in the chair said it all) but if you have puffy or dark circles under your eyes you need to drink more water. A textural skin change or ‘Grittiness’ here means an excess of uric acid (drinking too much alcohol, being overweight and suffering from Hypothyroidism).

While Dermalogica’s skin therapists are not qualified to address medical conditions (you should always seek professional medical advice), combining Chinese medicine with a skin analysis can make treating the skin a complete holistic experience. Skye told me about a client who couldn’t shift the acne that was occurring on her lower cheeks. After trying endless skincare treatments and considering laser and cosmetic surgery, an underlying problem was discovered with Face Mapping. The client suffered from gum disease and gingivitis. Once this was addressed? The pimples cleared up.

So the next time your forehead breaks out or dark under-eye circles appear, look to your face map: your skin is probably trying to communicate on behalf of your internal organs. Or in my case, telling me to ease up on the primer and not sleep in my makeup.

What’s your worst skin problem, and how do you treat it?

Check out this gallery of the Mamamia team, enjoying their Facemapping visit from Dermalogica.

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Dermalogica is the number one choice of skin care professionals and consumers worldwide. Why? Because for over 25 years, they’ve been dedicated to delivering skin health results through education, innovation, and professional recommendation, not through fancy packaging, promises of miracle cures, or overblown hype.             

Find your nearest Dermalogica Expert for a complimentary Face Mapping® Skin Analysis at                     

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