Let’s call it Mama-Sutra.
While sitting in a waiting room last week flicking through a glossy magazine, I came across a feature on postnatal exercises for new mothers. It was a mix of yoga and pilates inspired moves, focusing on the usual suspects: the stomach muscles and the pelvic floor.
As I looked at the smiling Lorna-Jane clad model who was demonstrating, I couldn’t help but think of all the other poses that should have been there too. I mean, I’m all for saluting the sun and impersonating a large dangerous snake (Cobra Pose for those not down with the yogis) and they’re fantastic for relaxation and some quality “me time” but sometimes a girl needs moves that are a little more practical.
You know?
And so, keeping in mind that I have absolutely no qualifications whatsoever in personal training or fitness, here are some of the life-inspired poses and moves for mums I’d add to the list:
1. The “not tonight” side plank.
To practice this pose, you’ll need to lie in bed in a straight line on one side with your back towards your spouse. This is helpful for nights when your significant other is hoping for a little after hours action and you’re so tired, you wouldn’t even be up for it if Ryan Gosling climbed over your balcony and said “Hey, girl, how about it?”*
(*May not be entirely true. Exceptions may be made under these circumstances.)