It is a well-known fact that you only have to work in the hospitality industry for three days to discover that you dislike people.
There is no prejudice, no discrimination – you dislike all people equally. Men, women, children, babies, people from all walks of life; they are all the worst.
Combined, we have ten years experience in hospitality (oh Jesus, someone kill us), which spans two continents, involves a number of workplaces, dozens of weddings, lots of corporate events, and one Year 6 graduation where the girls were wearing heels.
The world is a bizarre place, and those who work in hospitality see it all.
So therefore, it seems only right that we speak on behalf of everyone who has ever worked in hospitality, and identify the many insights that we (unfortunately) all share.
Insight #1: Australia has a drinking problem
Australia definitely, irrefutably, without a doubt, has a drinking problem. Everyone has a drinking problem and everyone probably needs help, but at the same time, we wouldn’t have a job if everyone got help, so you may continue to drink, just don’t a) get into fights when we have to cut you off, b) do really weird stuff that only drunk people do, e.g. hide your dinner plate under someone else’s chair cover (yes that actually happened).
or c) throw…things.
Drunk people are always throwing things. Seriously, you need to stop. Someone is going to trip, you’ll get in trouble, and it just definitely will not be funny in the morning.