
"Mum we love you, come home": Bali murder suspect Sara Connor's sons in heartbreaking video.

It’s a story that has made headlines over the world. An Australian woman, a British man and a Balinese police officer found dead on the beach.

We this week saw footage of the accused, Sara Conner, 45, and her boyfriend David Taylor, 34, in orange jumpsuits, recreating the crime scene, being transported to and from the prison. The dummy of the victim – Bali police officer Wayan Sudarsa – lay face down in the sand.

Through it all, it’s easy for forget the family and friends of the accused who are also watching on, scared for the person they know and love.

Sara has two sons, aged nine and 11.  Her ex husband, Anthony Connor, travelled to Bali to visit her in prison earlier this week.

He held back tears as he faced the media beside his former wife’s lawyer Robert Khuana. He told reporters that Sara’s boys miss her, and that her first question upon seeing him was for a photograph of her sons.

“When I got in there, she was hiding from the media and she was shaking,” he said, according to News Corp. “The first thing she said was ‘have you got photos of the boys?’. She was shaking so much I’m surprised she didn’t tear the photos apart. It was hard.”

“My kids miss their mum, but they are strong. They are amazing,” Mr Connor continued. “They sent a little video to me to give to Sara and every time I see it, it breaks my heart. They’re just saying ‘mum, we love you, come home soon’.”


Both the Byron Bay woman and her British boyfriend are both being treated as suspects in the alleged murder of the police officer. Sudarsa was found on the beach with 42 wounds to his body, including his head and neck. If charged and found guilty of murder, Connor faces a maximum 15 years in jail.

“I’ve known Sara for a long time and this is nothing that she would ever do. She is a good person,” Mr Connor told reporters. “She’s a good soul, she’s caring. Of course I think she’s innocent. That will never change. Ever. She’s innocent for sure. Wrong place wrong time.”


News Corp reports Mr Connor is returning to Byron Bay today to be with his sons, who are currently in the care of family and friends.

“I’m heading back tomorrow I want to go back and see my boys. Hopefully I don’t have to come back,” he said. “I just can’t wait to get back now and tell them that mums okay and that she misses them and that she’ll be home soon.”

“The kids love Sara. We all love Sara. We just want her to come home,” he continued.

Connor also said Sara’s heart goes out to the widow of the police officer, and that she wants to help her in whatever way she can.

“Sarah being a mother, she’s very sympathetic towards the policeman’s widow and her family,” Mr Connor told reporters. “She wants to help them. That’s the type of person she’s is. She’s happy for money to go towards them. She wants to donate. She’s very sympathetic as a mother.”

“Sara came here for a holiday with her friend. She had no idea that something like this was going to happen,” he continued. “She’s deeply sympathetic to the widow and her family. She just wants to fix it.”

Feature image via Facebook.

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