
Emma Watson just spent an hour answering the world's questions about gender equality.

Emma Watson has just finished a marathon Q&A on her HeForShe campaign, gender equality, and being threatened with a nude photo leak.

Emma Watson just spent an hour answering the world’s questions about gender equality — and she was as impressive as we’d hoped.

The 24-year-old Harry Potter actress and all-round amazing human told of when she was threatened with a nude photo leak, following her groundbreaking HeForShe address at the United Nations last year.

Emma Watson said the threats to expose “nude photos” of her only made her more determined.


Watson knew the threatened nude photos didn’t exist, but said the the heinous attack made her more determined in her mission for gender equality.

“People thought I’d be disheartened by this – but if anything it made me so much more determined,” she said.

“It made me so angry – and I realised that this this is why I have to be doing this. If anything, if they were trying to put me off they did the opposite.”

Related content: Emma Watson tells fan: ignore sexism, become an engineer.

She said the attack only proved that perceptions of gender equality as a thing of the past, are wrong.

“They saw that the minute I stepped up and spoke about women’s rights, I was immediately threatened. In less than 12 hours I was receiving threats, and I think they were really shocked.”


Watson also spoke about her passion for HeForShe — a solidarity movement for gender equality that focuses on engaging men in the equality movement — and the need to realise feminism benefits men as well as women.

“I really wanted to communicate that gender equality, historically, has been predominantly a woman’s movement, for women. But I think the impact of gender inequality and how it’s been affecting men hasn’t really been addressed,” she said.

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“I think our society in general always devalues the ‘she’, and when I say that, I mean qualities associated with the feminine, which are found in all of us.

“As a result there’s this imbalance and distortion, and it’s just hindering our progress. It’s causing discrimination and violence and pain and fear, the world over.”

“Have an open mind, and don’t have expectations on the gender or the sex that you see in front of you.”


She also shared this little gem of advice:

“Just encourage and include each other, don’t ostracise each other. Have an open mind, and don’t have expectations on the gender or the sex that you see in front of you.”

Watson said that 200,000 men have signed her pledge to tackle gender inequality.

Watch the entire Q&A on Emma Watson’s Facebook page.

What do you think are the biggest obstacles to gender equality?

Related content: Emma Watson tells fan: stuff your sexist dad, become an engineer.

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