
The Voulez-Vous Project: "What started as a form of therapy has transformed into a career."

Welcome to Mamamia’s art endeavour, the Voulez-Vous Project. Every week we celebrate emerging artists, designers, illustrators, creators and women who knit using their vaginas. (Kidding. Maybe.) Our aim: to help the internet become a slightly more beautiful, captivating, or thought-provoking place by making art accessible.

To find out more about the Voulez-Vous project, click here. Click here to see all the previous Voulez-Vous posts.

When we were growing up, we were told of the importance of learning. Education is priceless, and teaches us to perfect our skills. But Emma Louise Ball, an emerging Australian artist, has shied away from art education.

“To be honest I am afraid to take art classes!” she told Mamamia.

“As I am an intuitive artist I always worried that if I took classes it would affect my paintings. I don’t want to become concerned about if I am using such and such technique or is the balance right. I need freedom to play and believe that something beautiful will happen on the canvas.

“I paint my best when I don’t overthink, not picturing an outcome just simply spontaneously creating. Adding layers of colour and enjoying the process. For me, if I start to analyse a painting I must walk away and come back later when I feel open.”

One of Emma’s unique pieces – a terrific blend of colour.

Her work is bright and vibrant, filled with intriguing blends of colours. To this, she credits nature.

“I love researching colourful animals, lizards, birds, marine life and fauna. You wouldn’t believe some of the natural bold colour combinations that are out there. Although I never formally represent animals or other objects in my paintings I definitely use their colours for inspiration.”

Emma Louise has been creating for her entire life. From arts and crafts to poems, making clothes and pottery – she can’t quit her natural instinct.


The Voulez-Vous Project: “I don’t have the patience to let paint dry.”

But her talent has moved toward a professional stage in the few years, after beginning to sell her work.

Through some personal struggles – she credits painting to getting her through divorce – she says her art is an escape into her happiness.

“It has transformed a sort of therapy into a career.”

“It has transformed a sort of therapy into a career.”

One of the things I like about Emma Louise is her personality. She’s down-to-earth, real, honest. When I asked her about her muses, she said, “Muses! Does it sound bad if I say I don’t have any.”

What she lacks in muses, she makes up for in inspiration.

“The sky here is pretty inspirational. We have the most amazing sunrises and sunsets here. And music really gets me going! Playing loud music, getting lost in colour and walking away feeling happy is reason enough for me to paint. Anything that comes after that is a bonus.”

The Voulez-Vous Project: “I breathe in life and breathe out art.”

Her art is personal and bursting with her character traits. It is lively, outgoing, and beautiful to see.

To see where you can buy Emma Louise’s art, click here. Her Facebook is here, her Instagram is here, her Pinterest is here.

Click through the gallery below for more of Emma’s work. 

Do you know an artist (or are YOU an artist) who creates beautiful or thought-provoking work and whom you think should be featured on Mamamia’s Voulez-Vous Project? Send an email to

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