We’ve all experienced more awkward style moments than we’d care to remember. It’s just a pity we’ve got the photos to remind us.
Looking back on my teenage years in particular, I know a few wise words would have helped me steer clear of the horrid hair-dos and the pancake makeup.
We quizzed the Mamamia office for beauty advice we wish we could tell our younger selves – if only we had a time machine.
1. Those poor eyebrows.
Oh, the horrors they've been through.
"Don't pluck your eyebrows into oblivion - they take forever to grow back!" - Nicolle
"Shaving between your eyebrows is NEVER a good idea. You will pay the price for years to come." - Sophie (Post continues after gallery.)
Our favourite 90s beauty icons
2. That pancake face
Probably the most common area for beauty mistakes (besides those brows).
"Get properly matched when buying foundation, rather than hazarding a guess and looking either like a ghost or Donald Trump" - Brittany
"Apply concealer WITH foundation - people can see those unblended dots on your face." - Jess
"Bronzer is not a setting powder! Although designed to 'bring warmth' to your face, don't apply it to your ENTIRE face. The outcome is self-explanatory." - Lauren
"Bring your foundation BELOW YOUR JAWLINE!" - Michelle
Watch: A makeup artist shares the four foundation myths we need to stop believing. (Post continues after video.)