A confession of sorts.
I like to think that when you come into the world of “Em’s words” I create a space where you all can feel better about yourselves.
I imagine you must read how out-of-control, irrational, pathetic and flawed I sometimes am and think to yourselves “Jesus, I thought I had problems”… This is a public service I am happy to provide AND today is another such example of me falling on my sword. Get ready to love yourselves sick.
There is a very clear marker I have in my life that indicates how I am traveling. Where I am at mentally, spiritually and physically. For some of you this marker may be alcohol, chocolate or perhaps a lover. For me? It’s Twilight.
Yep, go on JUDGE ME. I have transcended embarrassment over this one. Yes. There is a direct correlation between the amount of times I watch Twilight/New Moon or read the series and how I am getting along in life.
What I am trying to say is: I love Twilight.
At first I resisted the Twilight saga. I’ll admit, it was hard. I have had a love of fantasy novels and movies my entire life. I grew up on The Never Ending Story, The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, Flight of the Navigator, Xanadu, The Wizard of Oz, Willow, Edward Scissor Hands, Beetle Juice, Star Wars – you get the idea. I also obsessively played Zelda on my Nintendo and had a disturbing collection of unicorns and care bears.
For a fantasy nerd (Ferd) like me Twilight was a given. Alas, I let the more intelligent, highbrow literature loving friends of mine, shame me into looking down on it like everyone else with a mild intelligence level or who was over the age of 16.
I would feign boredom when the young kids who worked at the radio station would pledge their allegiance to either Team Jacob or Team Edward and ignored the release of the first Twilight movie all together. It was on a flight between Dubai and Rome that in a weakened state I gave into watching the movie and since then… things have never been the same.