
A pop star takes on the meat industry. Gets torn apart on social media.

She sang at Kate Middleton and Prince William’s wedding in 2012, she then became part of the Taylor Swift posse and had a small cameo in the Bad Blood video clip that came out this year. Now, she’s being shredded on social media.

While British singer, Ellie Goulding is climbing her way up the A-List ladder, she has begun voicing her opinion about vegetarianism. And her followers are not happy about it.

Goulding is getting her opinions out there.

This week the pop star has been in the midst of a heated online debate. She must've been told that the amount of flying she does (in fancy planes) is contributing heavily to the carbon footprint (how much pollution you create). She posted a caption on her Instagram account this week saying:

"You fly a lot for shows, so your carbon footprint must be huge." Actually, it's not #vegetarian.

The words sat alongside this image.

Statistics. Image via @elliegoulding Instagram.

It seems the British pop star believed that her being a vegetarian balanced out the fact that she flies. Often. All over the world.

Ellie Goulding was arguing her case. Image via @elliegoulding Instagram.

But many of her followers didn't agree with the 28-year-old, with many saying that people's diet didn't effect the planet as much as flying in a plane...

Others said that the farming industry relied on humans to consume meat so their industry could survive...

And some of her followers claimed that the statistics behind being a vegetarian and helping the environment were not legitimate...

Do you believe that your diet can effect the planet? Do you think flying in fancy planes is worse than eating meat?

SCROLL THROUGH to see Ellie Goulding...

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