
News in 5: Mum's 20-year murder mystery; Parents 'skipping' maternity leave; Pork fat 'nutritious'.

1. The 20-year mystery of the murder of mother-of-six Elizabeth Henry: “She knew she was going to be murdered.”

The family of a murdered Brisbane sex worker is still desperate for answers 20 years after the 30-year-old mother-of-six was brutally murdered.

Elizabeth Henry was four months pregnant when her body was found by a jogger in the Queensland town of Samford in the early hours of February 12, 1998.

According to Queensland Police, Elizabeth’s naked body was found face down, and she had suffered several blows to her head before her death. An attempt had been made to incinerate her body, and she had also been ‘branded’ with strange markings across her back.


She had just returned to her job as a sex worker – which was illegal in Brisbane at the time – after a two month break. She also battled mental illness and alcohol addiction.

Two decades on, her death remains unsolved, despite a 2002 inquest into her death determining she had been murdered by a “persons unknown”.

Family members have told The Courier Mail they believe Elizabeth was killed after she found out about a “twisted underground pornography scene” that involved snuff films.

Her sister Mary told The Courier Mail Elizabeth often said “people were after her” and that she “knew she was going to be murdered”.

Her brother Peter said Elizabeth had been planning on exposing the snuff film ring before her murder.

Paramedic Francis Michael Fahey, 52, was found guilty of murdering Brisbane prostitutes Jasmin Crathern and Julie Louise McColl, but has been cleared of any involvement in Elizabeth’s death.

In 2014, a reward of $250,000 was put on offer for information leading to the conviction of Elizabeth’s killer. Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

2. More than 70 people are feared dead after a Russian passenger plane crashed just minutes after takeoff.


More than 70 people are feared dead after a Russian passenger plane crashed near Moscow, shortly after take off from one of the city’s airports, AAP reports.

Two bodies have been found at the site of a Russian plane crash on Sunday, an official at the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry said.

The plane, manufactured in 2010, had been carrying 65 passengers and six crew.

The An-148 regional jet disappeared from radar screens a few minutes after departing from Domodedovo Airport en route to the city of Orsk, some 1500km southeast of Moscow.


The plane reportedly belonged to Saratov Airlines, a Russian commercial carrier.

Plane fragments were found in the Ramenskoye area about 40km from the airport. Footage on state television showed them strewn across a snowy field with no buildings nearby.

It was unclear if there were any casualties among people on the ground at the crash site, and Russia’s Investigative Committee said all possible crash causes were being looked into.

Shabby equipment and poor supervision had plagued Russian civil aviation for years after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, but its safety record has improved markedly in recent years.

The last large-scale crash in Russia occurred on Dec. 25, 2016, when a Tu-154 operated by the Russian Defence Ministry on its way to Syria crashed into the Black Sea minutes after takeoff from the southern Russian city of Sochi.

All 92 people on board were killed.

In March 2016, a Boeing 737-800 flown by FlyDubai crashed while landing at Rostov-on-Don, killing all 62 people aboard.

An onboard bomb destroyed a Russian Metrojet airliner soon after taking off from Egypt’s Sharm al-Sheikh resort, killing 244 people in October 2015.

3. Shocking figures have revealed one in five new mums cannot afford to take maternity leave due to financial stress.

mum holding baby
Image via Getty.

New statistics have revealed one in five new mums are skipping taking maternity leave after having a baby due to increased financial stress of missing out on work.

According to The Daily Telegraph, a study of more than 1000 parents found that half of mothers are returning to work earlier than they would like in order to "make ends meet" and more than a third skip vital medications in order to save on cash.

The Huggies Baby Index report also found that about a quarter of new parents went into, or increased their debt after having a baby.

According to CommSec senior economist Ryan Felsman, many Aussie couples are already struggling to cope with financial stress before a baby is added to the mix.


"I think the key issue around household budgets is the lack of wages growth. We've got anaemic wages growth," he told The Daily Telegraph.

Other experts feared the increased pressure on women to return to work so early after giving birth meant many were being forced to stop breastfeeding prematurely.

"They're facing double the stress really because they may choose to breastfeed and to do so as long as possible but then they're forced to give that up because of the need to meet daily living cost requirements and the need to return to work," Dr Karen Mattock, from Western Sydney University's school of psychology, told The Daily Telegraph.

"The more breastfeeding friendly an employer can make their workplace the more likely women are going to continue with breastfeeding once they return to work."

4. Donald Trump has tweeted about "mere allegations" after a White House staffer resigned after domestic violence claims.

Donald Trump. Image via Getty.

A senior presidential aide resigned after domestic violence allegations from two ex-wives, but Donald Trump says "mere allegations" shatter lives, with the President bemoaning what he believes is a lack of due process for "someone falsely accused".

Trump, in a tweet, appeared to question the circumstances that led to the resignation of a senior aide who was accused of domestic violence.

In the tweet, Trump said people's "lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation".

"Some are true and some are false" but there's "no recovery for someone falsely accused", he wrote.

Trump doesn't name any individuals in his post, but he seems to be seems to be referring to Rob Porter, the White House staff secretary who resigned after allegations emerged that he abused two of his ex-wives.

Trump defended Porter in the Oval Office on Friday, and wished him well while making no mention of the alleged victims.

"We wish him well, he worked very hard," Trump told reporters in the Oval Office as news of Porter's resignation broke.


"I found out about it recently and I was surprised by it. But we certainly wish him well. It's an obviously tough time for him. He did a very good job while he was in the White House, and we hope that he has a wonderful career.

"He says he's innocent and I think you have to remember that. He said very strongly yesterday that he's innocent."

A second Trump administration official resigned the same day over similar allegations of domestic abuse.

David Sorensen, a speechwriter who worked at the Council on Environmental Quality, quit after being confronted by White House officials.

The Washington Post reported on Friday that Sorensen's former wife claimed he was violent and emotionally abusive during their two-and-a-half-year marriage, accusations he denied.

Porter's departure has raised questions about how long it took Trump's team to act on the accusations.


If you or someone you know is in need of help, please call the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800 RESPECT.

5. Scientists have named pork fat as 'one of the most nutritious foods on the planet'. Go figure.

pork fat roast pork crackling dinner
Image via Getty.

It's time to break out the pork crackling, because scientists have officially named pork fat as one of the 100 most nutritious foods on the planet.

According to the BBC, scientists studied more than 1000 foods and assigned each a nutritional score - the higher the score, the more it would meet a person's daily nutritional needs.

The foods were then ranked, and a top 100 was revealed.

While inclusions like sweet potato, ginger, Brussels sprouts and broccoli are far from groundbreaking, pork fat beat them all, coming in at number eight on the list, with a nutritional score of 73.

Of the top 100 foods, pork fat was the only one derived from livestock or red meat. According to the research, the fat is a good source of B vitamins and minerals and is more unsaturated, and therefore healthier, than lamb or beef fat.


A number of fish made the top 100 list, but the number one food was named as the humble almond, which was given a nutritional score of 97.

The nut, rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids, is believed to promote cardiovascular health and may even help with diabetes.

Chia seeds, pumpkin seeds and beet greens (the leaves of beetroot vegetables) also made the top ten.

6. We don't want to alarm you, but one great white shark is caught off the coasts of NSW beaches every two days.

great white shark
Image via Getty.

One great white shark is being caught every two days off the shores of some of New South Wales' most popular beaches, 9 News reports.

The figures come as scientists trial the use of 'smart drum lines' to make waterways across the east coast safer for swimmers.

According to AAP, 80 great white sharks - some up to four metres long - have been caught and tagged over the five month trial period, with researchers believing most swim away from beaches as a result of the drum lines.

Ten drum lines were placed between Coffs Harbour and Sawtell along with Foster and Tuncurry as part of the trial.

Across NSW 320 white, bull and tiger sharks have been tagged and Minister for Primary Industries Niall Blair says the trial has provided invaluable insight for scientists.

"We want to make sure we are continually testing the science, trialling world-first technology, while keeping our local communities part of the conversation," he said in a statement.

The trial has shown animals can be caught and released with minimal negative impacts.

"The movement of tagged sharks away from the coast after release reduces risk over the following days and weeks," the department said.

"Satellite tag data has shown that they mostly move offshore after release for extended periods."

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