
We didn't realise elephants had such splendid manners. Here's why they do.


Today’s Good News post is brought to you by Vaalia.

For the next four weeks we’ll be bringing you a little dose of good news. Sometimes when we turn on the TV, radio or open a newspaper, it feels like everything in the world is just sad and wrong. But there are pockets of delight and happiness, which we’ll be uncovering and bringing to you.

You can file this delightful story under ‘Further Evidence Elephants Are The Absolute Freakin’ Best’.

We already know they’re smart, they have excellent memories, better compassion than other animals, they’re emotionally evolved enough to grieve, cry and love. They’re generally gentle but powerful creatures – not to mention they’re completely adorable when they’re young.

But we didn’t realise elephants had such splendid manners!

You see, there’s a dainty elephant in Africa called Nellie, who in the past day has become famous across the world for her fence-climbing skills and her politeness. She was photographed by an African farmer as she delicately stepped her huge elephant legs over barbed wire fences as she made her way across countryside, making sure not to damage the fence or scrape her underbelly.

Here she is, lifting her enormous leg over a human’s fence-y handiwork like it aint no thang.

She weighs 4 tons, but she moves like a ballerina. Graceful, careful not to hurt herself.

Oop, easy does it old girl, mind the wire.

The incredible photos were posted on Facebook by Indri Ultimate Wildlife Tours in Cape Town, South Africa. They summed up our feelings pretty well in their caption: ‘Our feeling when looking at these photographs is one of utter respect.’

Anyone who studies animal brains knows that elephants are very clever and good at problem-solving. And anyone who’s ever seen the movie Dumbo knows they’re extremely cute.


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