
When Thomas ordered Eggs Benedict at a cafe, he was served this "monstrosity" instead.


Brace yourselves.

We’re pretty sure we’ve found the worst Eggs Benedict ever.

When diner Thomas Hesketh ordered a serving of the breakfast staple at a UK supermarket, he was met with what he described as a “monstrosity”.

Instead of receiving a typical serving of Eggs Benedict – think an English muffin, poached egg, bacon or ham and some hollandaise sauce – Thomas received something very, very different.

The irritated customer shared a photo of his meal, which consisted of two poached eggs sitting on top of two slices of deli ham and topped with two congealed dollops of hollandaise sauce.

“Ordered Eggs Benedict in your Wigan cafe and received this monstrosity instead,” he wrote on Twitter.


Yep, it certainly doesn’t look very appetising.

The supermarket chain soon responded to Thomas’ tweet, asking whether he told the cafe staff in store.

“Hi there, I’m very sorry about this happening. Did you tell the Cafe staff?” a representative for the cafe asked.


Thomas, who claims to have paid AUD$8.95 for his breakfast, told the Liverpool Echo that he’ll “never return” to the Tesco cafe again.

“I have never been there for food before, I was nipping in for a few bits before work and just realised they had a cafe,” he told the publication.

“I will 100% not be going there again. When I asked if I could have another one, they said I could, but it would be the same so there was no point.”

Thomas’ breakfast fail has since gone viral on Twitter, receiving over 20,000 likes and over 3,000 retweets.

Hundreds of people have also responded to the post.




We think we’ll be more careful about where we order our Eggs Benny from now on…

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