Is a stay at home dad allowed to take his two and a half year old daughter to the women’s toilet? She is the one doing a wee and she needs my help to successfully complete the process.
Besides the men’s toilets are absolutely disgusting and don’t want her anywhere near anything in that place.
In addition there is a limited amount of cubicles in the men’s as the majority of space is taken up with urinals. The stalls in the men’s toilets are generally only used for crapping in and for some reason a lot of men think that making a huge mess and not cleaning up after themselves is some kind of measure of masculinity.
Most blokes can’t aim straight and some don’t even flush and there is no way that I will let my daughter sit on those grubby things. I won’t even do it so why should she?
So why then, when I take my daughter to the ladies’ toilets do I get such death stares? Surely they can’t expect me to take her to the men’s?
“You can’t be in here.” says one lady.
“Why not?”
“Because it’s the ladies toilet.”
“She is a lady and she is the one who needs to go.” I say, pointing to my little girl.
“Well you still can’t be in here.”
“But who is going to help her? ”
“Go to the parent’s room.”
“There is a line a mile long and she is toilet training. We can’t wait.”
“Well you still can’t be in here.”