
Edwina Bartholomew's masterful hack for rekindling old relationships.

Are you a good friend? Come on, dig deep…

Do you spend Monday swearing to do drinks with the girls, but cancel by the time the weekend rolls around? You’re too busy for that, right?

And be honest, out of your 600+ Facebook friends, how many do you actually talk to outside the obligatory gushy birthday post?

For Sunrise presenter Edwina Bartholomew, hitting the road to read the weather meant spending five days a week on the road, and the scarce moments she had at home on the weekends were dedicated to quality time with her partner, writer Neil Varcoe.

So where did that leave her friends?

On the I Don’t Know How She Does It podcast, Edwina shared the lengths she went to, to maintain her friendships.

“With the girls I went to school with, we have a dinner catch up every month. I’ve had to cancel the last two months,” the 33-year-old admitted.

“I’ve felt very guilty about that.”

She would beg her friends, “can we do lunch? PLEASE?”

Fed up with being out of the loop with her girl squad, the journalist devised a way to keep in touch. And not just keep in touch with her besties, but revisiting old friendships with people who have slipped between the cracks of her life.

Edwina with old friend (and her interviewer!) Alissa Warren. Image supplied.

"I did a project a couple of years ago now called 52 Friends where I spoke to a different friend every week. We had to catch up in person, we'd share some memories, I'd take a photo and I posted it to Instagram every week."

"It was an amazing experience because it brought back so many memories," Edwina said.

It's all about putting in a little bit of effort, and it's so worth it.

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"It's hard to write about your best friend. How do you choose just one memory when you have spent the last 20 years together? That's why I've saved my mate @ashjamo until last."

The questions were basic, but led to poignant moments as she revisited fading memories with old friends.

How do we know each other?
What do I call you/you call me?
Best memory of us?
What's one weird thing I don't know about you?

"It reminded me to pick up the phone and talk to people," Edwina said.

"You’re constantly on text or messaging people and you never actually call. Sometimes when someone calls, don’t you look at your phone and you think ‘oh, I just can’t talk I don’t have time to talk to my friend’. Well, of course you do."

And she's so right. What're five minutes compared to losing touch with a dear friend?

To hear more from the interview, including how Edwina maintains her relationship with her partner while on the road, listen to the full episode of I Don't Know How She Does It here: 

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