
Tear-jerker supermarket ad brings you all the Christmas guilt.

Think you’ve seen the saddest Christmas ad out there already?

Well German supermarket chain Edeka is hoping to wrest that title from UK department store chain John Lewis’ “Man on the Moon” ad, with their sad Grandpa bringing his scattered family together.

In the ad, the grandfather gets a phone message from his daughter and grandchildren saying they won’t be home for Christmas and that they love him and miss him and will try again next year.

Then we get a montage of sad Grandpa eating Christmas dinner alone over the years.

To end this cycle of loneliness, sad Grandpa fakes his own death. And when his distraught children turn up to mourn him, he’s there with the table set for a fabulous Christmas feast.

Because eating dinner with your emotionally manipulative parents is super fun.

Watch the ad here: 

Video via EDEKA

Aside from the financial burden of the horrendous expense of last minute international travel AT CHRISTMAS, these poor people probably also told their young children that a beloved grandparent had died. AT CHRISTMAS.

That is rough.

Still, I guess that bit in the middle where he’s all by himself eating various roasts is pretty sad.

As someone who has actually done the surprise Christmas reunion thing, I can tell you it is wonderful. But I didn’t fake my own death to make it happen.

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