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Ed Kavalee just hung up on Married at First Sight's Sam live on air.


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Ed Kavalee had precisely no time for Married at First Sight’s Sam on radio this morning.

On the Grant, Ed and Ash show, Kavalee questioned Sam about his awful comments regarding his wife’s weight.

After seeing his bride for the first time, Sam remarked that she was “bigger than the girls I’d normally date,” and perhaps he would have to “get her running in the mornings”.

The next day, Sam announced that he had received news his ex-girlfriend’s mother had passed away, and had to leave for the funeral.

Listen to our Married at First Sight recap podcast. Post continues. 

“I didn’t make her a priority,” Sam admitted during his interview with the Hit Network.

But he defended his comments made on the wedding day, reiterating the point that she was a “bigger girl,” and “the hair extensions were just full on for me… I’m more into natural girls.”

Kavalee, growing impatient, asked, “Were you watching that back going ‘Yeah man, good call’?”

Sam responded, “I said she’s not my type and I was honest about that…” seemingly confused about the backlash.


These are the exact phrases we find ourselves yelling at the TV while watching Married at First Sight. Post continues after video.

The final straw for Kavalee was when Sam was asked about a comment he apparently made, which insinuated that Elizabeth was still single because of her weight.

“I don’t believe I said that,” he replied, deflecting questions.

Kavalee asked if he saw himself as the victim, and Sam replied, “Nah, I’m not the victim,” at which point Kavalee had enough.

“Hang up. I’ve had this bloke. He is the worst, God help me…

“They’ve pushed it to the point… this guy is awful. He’s an awful, awful creep. And he’s just laughing it off.”

Sam was also asked on air if he had sex with Ines while on the show, which he emphatically denied.

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