
The simple savings trick that helped Simone Milasas shake a $187,000 debt.

A debt of $187,000 could easily seem insurmountable, but one Australian woman managed to pay hers back with some incredibly clever tools.

Simone Milasas decided not to be ‘logical’ about saving, but do it her own her way instead. And happily, it worked.

One of the most effective tricks Simone — the author of ‘Getting Out of Debt – Joyfully’ — used was starting a “10% account”.

The idea, which she shared in an article on Body + Soul, is to save 10 cents for every dollar earned.

Simone paid back $187,000 following these five rules. Image: Facebook/Stephanie Richardson

This can be achieved by stowing the money in a bank account, a jar full of 10c pieces on the bench, or a box under your bed.

Basically, whatever works for you.

"I’m inviting you to have the courage to demand, 'You know what? I’m not spending my 10% account' and discover what else is possible for you to create," she wrote.

Simone has plenty of other tools up her sleeve, one of which involves carrying around "the amount of cash you think a rich person would carry."

All it takes is 10c at a time. Image: iStock

"When you are willing to have and enjoy money, more can show up," she explained on Body + Soul.

One principle Simone stands by is that money is not 'logical'. "When you are willing to honour you, ask questions and choose joy now, you are sending out an invitation for money to show up," she said.

You can find more of Simone's tips on her website.

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