
'The Futility of Existence': A story of a drunk man trying to jump a fence.



A very existential Youtube video has gone viral in the last 48 hours.

Called ‘The Futility of Existence’, it tells a simple story: The story of a drunk man trying to jump a fence.

Someone saw him struggling to get over, and decided that filming his struggle would serve as a good metaphor for life. You see, this drunk man trying to jump a fence represents all of us. He represents the struggles we all go through, every day. And the kid who comes along in the end and shows him the way… Well, that kid represents the person who always seems to have one up on you, no matter what you do.

It really is a beautiful 2 minutes of viewing. As beautiful as watching a drunk man hilariously try to jump a fence can be:


And because we feel like there are some really important life lessons in this clip, we’ve broken it down for you into the important moments:





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