
Drunk driver handed a heart-rending sentence in memory of the woman he killed.

A male drunk driver who killed a 34-year-old woman with a blood alcohol concentration more than twice the legal limit has been handed an unusual sentence.

23-year-old Texas man Travis Elwell killed 34-year-old Emily Javadi in 2015 when his speeding BMW crashed into her car as she was loading items into it after a workout.

Emily Javadi. Image via Facebook.

Javadi died from her injuries an hour after the crash. Elwell reportedly had a blood alcohol content of 0.175 at the time of the accident.

Last week, Elwell was sentenced to serve 120 days in jail over the death. But the way in which he will serve his time is rather unusual, the Dallas Morning News reports.

He will serve serve one week in jail each year, coinciding with the anniversary of Emily Javadi's death on February 10, for the next nine years.

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"That was the only thing that was important to us," Javadi’s father, Michael, told WFAA News. "That there needs to be some sort of accountability for the irresponsible actions that he took."

Travis Elwell
Travis Elwell. Image via Dallas Police Dept.

"We're not going back to look at the negative, she was not a negative person," Javadi’s mother, Karen, added.

The mother told the the Dallas Morning News she hopes the punishment helps Elwell "turn around his life and become a better person".

Elwell is also not allowed to drink alcohol, and has been ordered to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and speak at drunk driving support groups about the consequences of his actions.

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