
The Drinking Mirror App: the best alcohol deterrent ever.

Anyone guilty of this?






Alcohol makes you fat.

And ugly.

And gives you fungal infections OF THE SOUL. *Organ plays in minor key*

Well, look, maybe that last bit was made up. But, truth be told, there is a fair bit of science to back up those first two claims. The long-term physical effects of alcohol are easy to dismiss, yet they are kind of gobsmacking.

Alcohol speeds up the ageing process substantially (from an aesthetic perspective, not from an actual time travel-y, subverting the laws of temporality-y perspective), causing deeper wrinkles, a ruddy complexion and weight gain. In fact, excessive alcohol consumption could leave you looking a lot like that dame on the right:

This picture is from an app called The Drinking Mirror App. It’s an initiative from the Scottish Government which aims to show people how “dropping a glass size” can help them to retain their devilish good looks for as long as possible.

It’s sort of like wearing a pair of beer goggles, but in reverse.

Users enter their weekly drinking habits, take a selfie and the app does the rest, showing them how they will look if they continue with those same habits for the next ten years.

It’s a pretty inspired use of technology. Easy, quick and blunt. And there’s nothing like an unflattering picture to spur people into passionate action.

(Plus: could you imagine the drunken selfies this could spawn? Amazing.)

Would you use The Drinking Mirror App?

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