
'Drew Barrymore just shared her master bedroom with us. And I have... questions.'

Drew Barrymore has shown us her rather, er, messy home. 

Yes, you're not mistaken. I'm talking about the award-winning actor, beauty brand owner, and talk show host who lives in a beach house estimated to be worth AU$8.1 million. 

Earlier this week, the Never Been Kissed actor challenged her followers to "show [their] room before and after you clean" it.

She, of course, decided to take one for the team and go first. 

And, well, it was a lot. 


Don't get me wrong. My bedroom has looked worse than hers even on a good day. But there's something unsettling (yet refreshing) about an A-lister taking a moment out of their day to share just how messy they are. 

Barrymore begins by showing us every nook and cranny of her master bedroom - from the sofa chair that is definitely meant for sitting (and not collecting dust), to the desk I doubt she has sat at in a very long time. 

I appreciate the honesty. I know for a fact Drew Barrymore doesn't do a lick of work here. Image: Instagram @drewbarrymore.


There are books on the floor and piles of paperwork I'm sure she hasn't read in at least four months and even an old cup. (I'd dare say it's even beginning to mould around the edges.)

Barrymore then shows us her bedroom floor... which has become more of a storage space. There are shoes and clothes and even what appears to be skincare.

She's a woman after my own heart. 

I mean, yeah, this does look a bit like my bedroom. Image: Instagram @drewbarrymore.


Of course, you could be wondering what I'm wondering. 

Where are your cleaners? Your personal closet organiser? The live-in maid who receives an annual salary to make your life just a little bit easier? 

Did they all just take the day off? 

Nonetheless, she moves on to what was once a bathroom and now looks to be a storage unit. 

It looks like mine... just wealthier. Image: Instagram @drewbarrymore.


I don't spot any Flower Beauty makeup but I'm choosing to believe she keeps it in her other bathroom. (Rich people have multiple bathrooms, FYI). 

There are three mirrors and even a pile of magazines but interestingly enough, there is no toothbrush or toothpaste. (I won't hold you to it, Barrymore.)

She even shows us what next to her bed looks like and it resembles a high school locker. But on the floor. 

I mean. It looks like mine. Image: Instagram @drewbarrymore. 


I would be silly not to mention the pile of scripts on the floor. Including one from about *checks notes* 40 years ago?!

An E.T script? From 1982? From when you were seven years old, Drew??? Image: Instagram @drewbarrymore.

Barrymore then shows us what her bedroom looks like after the cleaners have gone through it with a packet of disinfectant wipes and a vacuum. It is, if I do say so myself, heavenly. 


HELLO? A desk for you sit at! Image: Instagram @drewbarrymore.

Now I can see where the chair is, which I appreciate.

She even shows us what her new and improved bathroom looks like without the piles and piles of paperwork. 

I mean, this is gorg. Image: Instagram @drewbarrymore.


There are still three mirrors, which feels unnecessary, but I mean... I'll allow it. 

Overall, Barrymore has shown me what I didn't know about celebrities with millions of dollars to burn. 

It's okay to be a bit of a mess sometimes - even if you can afford to hire someone to follow you around and brush your hair for the rest of your life. 

Because life is for living, I suppose.

And for that, I thank you deeply Drew Barrymore. I thank you so very much. 

Feature Image: Instagram @drewbarrymore. 

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