
"There’s enough to go around." Drew Barrymore refuses to see other women as competition.

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To say Drew Barrymore has had an eventful life would be a serious understatement.

At seven years old she became a household name as Gertie in ET; by 12, old she’d been in rehab; and at 14 she was declared legally an adult. Now 40 years old and with a family of her own, Barrymore has drawn on those diverse experiences for her new book Wildflower – and has some seriously important lessons and pieces of wisdom.

The most empowering? A reality check for women who constantly compare themselves to other women or view them purely as competition.

While it’s a habit that most of us have at some point been guilty of, Barrymore is having none of it. “Never! There’s enough to go around for everyone. I am here as a champion of [the idea that] we have to support each other,” she told Bustle. 

Sometimes you just need a reminder that you’re enough. Here’s Jess Rowe to give it to you. (Post continues after video.)

“If you support each other as women, you’re so much stronger. Your voice ultimately will become one of a sea of voices, and it could be a small sea or a large sea, but I think women who stick together and truly help lift each other up become so much stronger and louder for it,” she added.


Often, channelling energy into competing against other women can simply be to your own detriment (as well as, you know, not helping the sisterhood). While it takes most of us years and plenty of mistakes to realise this, it’s a lesson the Miss You Already actress learnt early on in her career.

“At six, seven, and eight years old, you’re like, ‘OK, how am I going to look at my fellow peers in the work place?’ And it was just a very conscious decision to really believe that if we’re good to each other and love each other, then it’s a much better process.” #Preach. (Post continues after gallery.)

What’s even more inspiring is that with Barrymore, it’s not just words — everything she does exhibits her passion of support and encouraging the growth of women rather than tearing them down.

Case in point: Both Wildflower and her latest film Miss You Already with Toni Collette are clear celebrations of women — and the importance of friendships- everywhere.

“It wasn’t planned for them to come at the same time. It was a serendipity … and I just felt inspired. I love women so much, and I love men so much, but I just felt like it was a good time to acknowledge the women that have moved me so much,” she explained.


One woman that falls into this category? A fellow actress named Cameron Diaz (You may have heard of her…). The Charlie’s Angels co-stars met when they were in their teens and have been friends ever since. (Post continues after gallery.)

“Cameron Diaz is one of the greatest friends anyone can ever have. She has so much love to give. We also support each other through the bad times,” Barrymore told Look Magazine in 2008.

“I’ve always felt like she’s my big sister, but at the same time I know that sometimes I’m wiser and a bit less naive than she is. We just spend so much time having fun and laughing together. That’s what true friendship is about.”

The 40-year-old also recently used her Instagram to mark Amazing Women Week, sharing images and memories of the women who inspire her and have influenced her, ranging from family, friends, business partners… and of course, Ellen.

While your list may include a few less Hollywood A-listers, it’s an easy thing to do in your own life: make a conscious decision to acknowledge women around you and the ways you can promote each other collectively. Yes, it’s small but you’ll be amazed at the difference it can make.

Who’s an amazing woman in your life? Do you think we need to support each other as women more?

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