
This video of JLo and Drake pashing, grinding at a bar has left us with so many questions.

What is even going on right now?

The year 2016 must have known it owed us something (everything) and so, at the 11th hour, gifted us Jennifer Lopez and Drake. And I’m not even a little bit mad about it – because it might just be the weirdest thing that ever happened.

 The latest video of the pair “kissing” and “grinding” at Winter Wonderland Prom in Sin City, Las Vegas, is the latest piece of evidence in what is proving to be QUITE the captivating case.

#Drake & #JLo ???????? #DraLo

A video posted by ✨Leyla✨ (@lleeyla) on

But let’s start at the beginning.


First, there were the cryptic Instagram quotes – with Lopez, 46, sharing “Dear God, I wanna take a minute, not to ask for anything from you…but simply to say thank you for all I have,” accompanied by the hashtag #LOVE.

No one posts something that corny on Instagram unless some serious shit is going down in their lives. She might as well have yelled “MY LIFE IS GOING REALLY WELL RIGHT NOW BUT I WON’T TELL YOU WHY HEHE STAY TUNED.”

Mood #Ilovemylife and the people in it! #friends #familia #LOVE

A photo posted by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on


THEN – around the same time Drake, 30, also started to become a little bit lame on the ol’ Instagram.

Let you tell it…????

A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on

In case you haven’t spent most of your 20s stalking relationships on Instagram, what Drake is really saying is “LOVE. LOVE IS IMPORTANT AND I’M EXPERIENCING IT.”

Following a series of more explicit hints (photos together etc.) they dropped a BOMBSHELL on December 27, in the form of a captionless photograph.


A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on

The Internet lost their collective sh*t. It was reported that Rihanna unfollowed Drake on Instagram in October and JLo over Christmas and we all imagined her sitting around with her girl squad saying, “I’m actually so done with this right now I’m just going to unfollow…like I don’t even care…”, before asking if she could please stalk them on someone else’s phone “just to check”.


But now they have added fuel to the fire.

Perez Hilton uploaded a video to Instagram, which features Lopez and Drake pashing and grinding at a prom-themed event to their OWN MUSIC. 

It’s so bizarre and brilliant – I feel like I’m back at a Year 6 disco except I’m sharing the dance floor with two of the coolest people in the world and I can’t stop watching them. 


If we thought the whole JLo/Drake romance was suss a few days ago (which we did – we wrote about it, here) then now it’s been taken to a whole new level.

Post continues after gallery…

Are these two just trolling the entire internet?

Here’s my theory: That video was not taken without their knowledge. The person filming it was extremely close to the pair. It literally looks like they’re in an empty club – with just them and the person filming it.

Furthermore, this video we understand was first obtained by celebrity gossip website TMZ. The footage didn’t fall into their hands by accident. They are basically the internet’s capital for celeb goss, the place Hollywood calls when they need some exposure.

I won’t comment on whether the romance itself is “real” or not – I will just say it’s gloriously performed.

???? <——– Lotta those

A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on


Both artists are releasing new albums early in 2017, and there are reports that they’re working together on some new music.

Add to that rumours Drake is using Lopez to get back at his long-time rival, hip-hop artist P. Diddy, and you have yourself a Hollywood soap opera of epic proportions.

Their alleged ‘romance’ is just the story that keeps on giving, during the time of year when we’re all a little bored and can’t quite remember what day it is.

Leaving their cosy Instagram photo without a caption was a brilliant PR move – because all it did was raise far more questions than it answered.



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