
News in 5: Aussie diver's first phone call; Belle Gibson warned; Codeword 'Angela'.

With AAP.

1. The first phone call made by Aussie diver Dr Richard Harris after successful Thai cave rescue.

Dr Richard Harris, the Australian doctor involved in rescuing 12 boys and their soccer coach from the depths of a Thai cave this week, made a surprising phone call after all 13 were freed safely on Tuesday.

According to 7 News, the Adelaide anaesthetist and highly accomplished cave diver was asked to telephone Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull the moment he emerged safely from the cave in the northern Chiang Rai province.

It was Dr Harris – one of eight Australians involved in the rescue – who assessed the trapped boys’ physical and mental health and advised on the order in which they ought to be guided along the treacherous 4km journey out of the flooded cave complex.

The team and their coach got trapped on June 23 while exploring the cave complex in the northern province of Chiang Rai after soccer practice and a rainy season downpour flooded the tunnels.

British divers found the team, hungry and huddled in darkness in a partly flooded chamber several kilometres inside the complex, on Monday last week.

After pondering for days how to get the 13 out, a rescue operation was launched on Sunday when four of the boys were brought out, tethered to rescue divers.

Another four were rescued on Monday and the last four boys and the coach were brought out on Tuesday.

Three members of the Thai SEAL unit and an army doctor, who has stayed with the boys since they were found, were the last people due to come out of the cave, the unit said.


It is not yet clear what condition those brought out on Tuesday are in.

The eight boys brought out on Sunday and Monday were in good health overall, although two had suspected lung infections.

The boys were still being quarantined from their parents because of the risk of infection and would likely be kept in hospital for a week to undergo tests, officials said earlier on Tuesday.

2. Belle Gibson may be warned over failure to pay $410,000 fine.

Belle Gibson. (Image via Instagram.)

The state of Victoria is seeking to give fake wellness guru Belle Gibson a scare so she finally pays a $410,000 fine she copped after lying to Australia about having cancer.

Gibson, 26, was fined by the Federal Court in September after she falsely claimed to have brain cancer that she healed with natural remedies, including diet and alternative therapies.

She also lied to supporters about donating income from her Whole Pantry app and book sales to various charities, including to a boy with inoperable brain cancer.

Consumer Affairs Victoria launched legal action against Gibson and a Federal Court judge last year fined her $410,000 for five breaches of consumer law.

But Gibson hasn't paid the fine and now the Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria is seeking to "warn" the fraudster in a bid to get the money.

The state has made an application for a Federal Court "endorsement" that if granted, could expose Gibson to a prosecution for contempt of court if she doesn't pay the fine.

"It is in the nature of a warning," the director's barrister Elle Nikou Madalin said of the application on Tuesday.

"We are now concerned that there may be contempt down the track.

"We don't want to create a situation where down the track Ms Gibson might try to claim wilful blindness."

Ms Nikou Madalin said Gibson could start paying the fine in instalments and would only be open to contempt action if she refused to pay when she could afford it.


But Gibson's barrister Andrew Tragardh opposed the application, saying only two letters had been received about the fine and there were other avenues to enforce payment.

"This is an unusual, extraordinary and very serious application without proper basis," he said.

Gibson is currently protected from contempt action by a legal clause that could be overruled with an endorsement order, the court was told.

Justice Debra Mortimer will deliver her ruling on the application at a later date.

When the original fine was handed down, the judge described Gibson as "cavalier" and having a "relentless obsession with herself".

After lying about having cancer, Gibson raked in more than $440,000 from app and book sales and claimed she donated most of it to charity but really only gave away $10,000.

Gibson had faced a maximum penalty of $1.1 million.

3. Police release images of two men in relation to a Melbourne woman's alleged abduction and rape.


Images of two men who spoke to a woman before she was allegedly abducted and raped in Melbourne, have been released by police.

The duo are not believed to have been involved but could have useful information about the June 17 incident at Carlton.

Two other men, 26-year-old Harley Jarthur Palise and Jarrod Vincent Thomas, 23, were last month charged with rape, unlawful imprisonment and assault after allegedly picking up the woman in a car.

The two witnesses who are thought to have spoken to the alleged victim are described as aged between 20 and 30 and of Indian and Caucasian appearance respectively.

A third man caught on CCTV walking past a Grattan Street shop around the time of the incident is being urged to come forward too. He is also not a suspect.


The man is aged between 50 and 60, is partially bald and spoke with an accent thought to be Serbian, police said.

4. "I couldn't do anything": Jury watches nine-year-old cry as he recalls his mother, who died in a house fire, calling out his name.


A Sydney boy whose father is accused of murdering his mother in a house fire told police he woke to hear his mum screaming his name and saw a burning blanket near her bedroom door, a jury has heard.

"I just woke up, I saw the fire, I was so shocked," the then nine-year-old said during a video-recorded police interview after the fatal 2016 blaze.


He pressed tissues to his eyes when he recalled hearing his mum calling out his name.

"I couldn't do anything," the boy said.

His interview was played to a NSW Supreme Court jury on Tuesday during the trial of his father, who can't be named for legal reasons.

The 45-year-old, who pleaded not guilty to murder, is accused of using petrol to light the western Sydney house fire which burned his wife to death.

During the police interview, the boy recalled unsuccessfully trying to open his mother's door with his brother and father by pushing or pulling it "like in the movies".

His father called triple-zero from outside the house and put water on it with a hose, the jury heard.

"He tried helping as much as he could," the boy said.

He said his mother and father had verbally fought over use of the mobile chat application Viber but he never saw them punching or kicking each other.

Asked how he felt about his dad, the boy said he was kind to him but not his mother.

He cried when he told the police officer he thought his mum "passed away".

Crown prosecutor Christopher Maxwell QC previously told the jury he expected evidence that the accused prevented the boy from opening the door and "kept pushing" his wife into the fire.


But defence barrister Carolyn Davenport pointed to the son's testimony about his father helping as much as he could.

"It's not all one-way," she said during her opening address, adding that consideration should be made to a radiant heater in the bedroom.

The son during his police interview said on the night of the fire, before he went to sleep, he saw there was a heater on.

The trial continues.

5. NSW government to train staff at 1300 venues to act upon women's codeword of "Angela".


Sydney women worried about their safety during a dodgy date will soon be able to head to the bar and ask for 'Angela'.

The NSW government says staff at about 1300 licensed premises in the city will be trained to provide discreet assistance if someone seeking to remove themselves from an uncomfortable social situation uses the code-word.

"We don't want people feeling intimidated when they're socialising in the city," NSW Police Minister Troy Grant said on Tuesday.

"They're out to enjoy themselves, not feel threatened and this initiative supports their safety."

The campaign is based on a concept that originated in the UK in 2016.

It has already been trialled in NSW's regions - including Wagga Wagga, Albury, Orange and most recently Byron Bay.

The Sydney trial begins on Saturday.

NSW Police Assistant Commission Mark Walton said the initiative could help someone on a first date arranged via social media or a couple who have met at one of the venues.

"We are determined to prevent sexual assaults and if this campaign allows us to remove people from harm's way, then it's well worth it," he said.

However he stressed police were still the first point of contact if someone requires urgent assistance.

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