I can’t tell you how many random, stray, roll-on deodorants I have in my bathroom cabinet.
Actually, that’s a lie, I can, because I just purged my bathroom of beauty products and I found not one, but six deodorant sticks I had no intention of ever using again.
Invisible ones, clinical ones, 48hr intensive ones, crystal ones, organic ones. If your supermarket is having a shortage, it’s probably because I’m hoarding them all at my house.
In case you’re wondering if I suffer from casual kleptomania, I do, but that’s not why I have six spare deodorants.
You see, I try them, they don’t work and then I can’t bear to throw them out. Then they build up and instead of disposing of just one it’s a whole collection, and I can’t be responsible for that much wastage. I mean, it’s not like you can pass them on to a friend, can you?
But I’ve just tried a deodorant that finally has me binning all the rest. It’s come out on top where others have spectacularly failed (the editorial team sit really close to each other).
Just as an FYI, you should know that this advertorial post is sponsored by Dove.
I’ve been road-testing Dove’s Invisible Dry Anti-White Mark anti-perspirant deodorant this week, and after several surreptitious sniffs to my armpit I have come to the conclusion that it works. It actually works. It’s a deodorant that actually does what it says. I’m not sure if in my long history of applying deodorants, this has ever happened before.