
The three telltale symptoms of Dormant Butt Syndrome.

Sitting is the new smoking. It can lead to poor posture, restricted circulation and – according to American physiotherapist Chris Kolba — a weak bottom.

Or more specifically, Dormant Butt Syndrome. 

Why is Dormant Butt Syndrome (i.e. a weak bottom) a problem?

Because, butt selfies and Kim Kardashian memes aside, our posteriors have a purpose. 

Ideally, your bottom should support your whole body and act as a shock-absorber during exercise.

Butt or but, if you spend most of your day sitting, your gluteus maximum is likely to weaken, and forget how to do these things effectively. This means other parts of your body are called upon to compensate, leading to back pain, knee injuries and hip strain.

You can prevent Dormant Butt Syndrome by doing all those exercises that are most probably on your recurring “save till next session” list at the gym.

Yes, we’re talking squats, lunges, tricky yoga poses.

Next time, you’re convincing yourself of all the reasons you don’t need to do those glute repetitions, think of all the hours a day you spend sitting in the office and do your posterior a favour: save it from Dormant Butt Syndrome, and prevent the myriad of issues that stem from having a weak bottom.

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