This article originally appear on Ravishly. See the original post here.
We’re never the same people at the end of a day that we were at the beginning.
That’s simply just a fact of life — regardless of how uneventful your day-to-day life may seem, the little lessons and social interactions we have on a daily basis continue to fundamentally change us as people.
This is no truer than in the “not a girl, not yet a woman” phase of your early 20s, as you struggle to define yourself as well as your impact on the world around you.
Given this, it’s no surprise that our opinions and views are constantly changing. The discovery of new information and experiences can cause major shifts in how we feel about things, and this is very much a natural part of life.
However, there are certain views and opinions we hold that, even if they are subject to change, deserve to be respected and not dismissed as the fleeting thoughts of a young adult.
I’m 23 years old, and I don’t ever want children.
I’m in pursuit of a dream that’ll take a long time and isn’t conducive to a traditional “family life,” and a genetic history fraught with disease and mental illness leaves me far from wanting to bud more flowers on that family tree.
I don’t want children, and every elder who discovers this feels compelled to tell me how wrong I am about my own feelings.