
Former teacher: "The three biggest mistakes mums make"

Even though I used to be a teacher, I've fallen short as a school parent many times. Mostly because I worried about what other people thought -- the teachers, the school, other parents. I've learned the hard way what is important -- not the perception of others, but making sure my children's educational needs are met while balancing their physical and emotional development, too. Read my lessons so you won't have to learn them the hard way like me.

School mistake 1: not speaking up

As a former teacher, I cringed at the thought of being that parent. I let my year 1 child endure a chaotic classroom and distracted teacher, watching as she fell behind in every subject. Mid-year I stopped volunteering because the noise in the classroom was too much -- even for me. I tried to be the nicest parent ever, hoping that would change the situation. It didn't. And my daughter lost a year of learning. In fact, it took until year 5 -- three years! -- for my daughter to catch back up in maths.
Lesson: Advocating for my child is my job. If I don't speak up for her needs, no one will. Now I communicate frequently with the teachers, knowing that I can still be nice while advocating for my child.

School mistake 2: guilt volunteering 

I knew when I signed up for class mum, that it was a big mistake. I work. I'm kind of disorganised. And, I don't love meetings -- which was a big part of the job. Somehow I got through, but it was a big mistake.
Lesson: I'm great with in-class volunteering and helping in the library but not great with field trips or parties. I'm okay with not being great at everything. Now I try to only volunteer for tasks that fit for my personality and schedule.


School mistake 3: allowing homework misery

My year 1 daughter had to write a journal each night. It took us an hour of tears to even get a half page. Every night. For 9 months we both suffered and endured. Those 9 months helped her develop a hatred for writing and a belief that she wasn’t capable as a writer.
I worry that she may never enjoy writing because of that year. If only I'd asked the teacher to modify the homework, or just told my daughter not to do it at all, and made up something more fun to do with writing.
Lesson: Now I use my best judgment as a parent (and former teacher) with homework assignments. I don't make my children do homework that seems unreasonable -- at least not in primary school -- especially if they are on or above grade level. I patiently explain to our teachers that my children needed to read and play, not do busy work. (Um, what are they going to do -- kick us out of school?) P.S. There is an abundance of research supporting my position!

Don't worry about what other people think of you. Remember that you know your child best. At the end of the day, you answer to your kids, not to other people. Do what's best for them.

What do you think about Melissa's advice? If you're a teacher, do you have any to add? 

Melissa Taylor is a mum of two, a teacher, author of Book Love and Pinterest Savvy, and blogger at Imagination Soup. Find her on FacebookTwitterPinterest and Google +.

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