
Apparently Trump wears strangely long ties because they're "slimming" and we're confused.

There’s no denying that Donald Trump has some strange quirks.

During his time in the Oval Office, the US President has been known to drink as many as 12 cans of Diet Coke a day.

The 72-year-old, who is rumoured to watch hours of television daily, is also incredibly protective of his TV remotes, with only himself and technical support allowed to even touch the devices.

He’s also been known to have a particular obsession with his hair. In fact, back in 2016, Trump spent a good portion of one of his speeches complaining about the quality of hairspray.

But perhaps the strangest quirk of all is President Trump’s tie.

If you’ve ever looked at Trump’s ties, you may have noticed that they’re almost always ridiculously long.

trump tie
It's so strangely long... Image: Getty.

But it turns out the bizarrely long length of Trump's ties is no accident.

Nope, it's all part of the President's attempt to appear slimmer.

According to The Guardian, who obtained a copy of New Jersey governor Chris Christie's forthcoming memoir early, Trump advised Christie during the 2016 presidential election to "wear longer ties so that he would look thinner".

Erm, right.

But Trump doesn't just give out this advice – he follows it himself. Constantly.

Take a look at any photo of Trump and you'll notice that his tie almost always falls well beyond his waistline.

I mean, seriously, you really shouldn't be able to drape your tie around your neck like a scarf...


Fashion experts aren't so keen on Trump's advice either.

"The tip of a man's tie should fall right in the middle of his waistband or his belt – no longer," GQ magazine said.

This isn't the first time Trump has been caught in an embarrassing tie-related mishap.

Rather than using a tie clip, the President has been known to use sticky tape to stick the back of his tie to the front end...



Although we're not quite sure if Trump's tie hack is doing him any favours, we are grateful for some of the hilarious memes it has inspired.

Case in point:



You're welcome.

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