
The detail on Donald Trump's sleeve that has everyone talking.

As Donald Trump spoke to grieving students, teachers and parents on Wednesday the world’s attention was focussed on his hands. Specifically what was in them.

A close-up photo of the US president’s White House-prepared notes for a “listening session” in the wake of the Florida school shooting, seemed to show some simple phrases that essentially reminded Trump to be empathetic. (At this point we shouldn’t be surprised.)

But what caught many other people’s eyes was a small detail on his sleeve which also serves to remind us exactly the type of person who’s leading one of the world’s most powerful nations.

Embroidered on Trump’s shirt sleeve was the number 45, which most have taken symbolise his role as the 45th president of the United States.

Image: Getty.

We probably don't need to tell you that no one noticed Barack Obama wearing a shirt with 44 on it during his two terms - although he did once promote a shirt with the number, which campaign supporters could buy ahead of the 2012 election.


On Twitter, users labelled the embroidery a sign of just how "self-absorbed" and "narcissistic" the president is and yep, sounds about right.

Others suggested some alternative reasons he might be wearing the number.

Meanwhile, the note in Trump's hand has gained the bulk of the criticism.

One point states: "What would you most want me to know about your experience?", another, "What can we do to help you feel safe?" and the last one "I hear you."

This discovery has many people questioning why the 71-year-old would need notes to remind him to respond to people with empathy.

But I think we all know the answer to that.

Amelia Lester explains why the aftermath of the school shooting in Florida feels different to that of any shooting before it. Post continues.

The listening session at the State Dining Room of the White House was a chance for Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School teachers, parents and students to talk about their experience after the shooting by a former student that left 17 students and teachers dead.

Nineteen-year-old Nikolas Cruz is currently in custody awaiting his next court appearance. He faces 17 charges of murder.

The father of a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School has spoken about what he wants to see changed.

Video via CNN
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