
We live in a weird world: Donald Trump once kicked One Direction out of his hotel.

Really, the vast majority of Donald Trump’s actions make little to no sense to the outside world. We know this. But the story of him deciding to evict One Direction from one of his hotels? Well, that really takes the cake.

Speaking to Rollacoaster Magazine this week, One Direction member Liam Payne confirmed the story, saying “Trump actually kicked us out of his hotel once. You wouldn’t believe it. It was about [meeting] his daughter.”

(*cough* Tiffany, we’re looking at you *cough*)

According to Payne, upon learning the pop fivesome were staying at the Trump Tower hotel in New York, “He phoned up our manager and we were asleep,” asking to arrange a meeting.

When the band’s manager informed Trump the group were sleeping, the now President of the United States reportedly responded, “well, wake them up”.

Payne said no to the meeting, “and then he wouldn’t let us use the underground garage. Obviously, in New York, we can’t really go outside. New York is ruthless for us,” Payne continued, referring to the relentless tailing from fans and paparazzi the group were subjected to when visiting the Big Apple.

donald trump one direction
One Direction did not care for Trump's request. Source: Getty.

And because Trump is not used to hearing the word "no" and hell hath no fury like the father of a disappointed brat, The Apprentice host decided to take things further.

“So he [Trump] was like, ‘OK, then I don’t want you in my hotel.’ So we had to leave," Payne concluded.

Listen: the women of Mamamia Out Loud discuss the Trump phenomenon. Post continues... 

The one thing Payne didn't reveal, though, was which daughter it was that wanted to meet Trump so badly.

Sure, it could have been Ivanka, who would have been in her early 30s at the time, but given Tiffany was in her late teens back in One Direction's heyday, I'm hedging my bets and trust fund on it being her that wanted to kick it with Niall, Harry, Zayn, Louis and Liam.

Was she #TeamLouis? Probably.

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