
Donald Trump cops a royal roasting for his absurd, fairytale demand to the Queen.

Trump’s bulletproof Cadillac limousine might do the trick in Washington D.C., but the President reportedly has a more regal alternative in mind for his upcoming visit to Buckingham Palace.

A gold-plated carriage. The Queen’s gold-plated carriage.

According to The Times, President Trump is eager to undertake a carriage procession down the Mall from Horse Guards Parade to Buckingham Palace during his UK state visit in October.

The request is reportedly causing a major security headache for local authorities; a headache that previous Commander in Chief Barack Obama chose to avoid on his 2011 visit by sticking with an armoured motorcade.

But it seems the pomp, ceremony and Cinderalla-like charm is just too romantic to resist for the humble New York billionaire.

Other presidents have hitched a ride in golden carriage. But none required Trump-level security. Image: Getty.

While other heads of state have hitched a ride in carriage previously - among them Mexico's Enrique Peña Nieto and China's Xi Jinping - none have required anything close to the security measures necessary to protect the controversial US President.

And so London's Metropolitan Police will join forces with the Secret Service in an monumental effort that will reportedly involve heavily armed agents, hundreds of uniformed officers and plenty more in plain clothes, plus the counter-terrorism units which will be waiting on standby.

Her Majesty will offer President Trump a lift down the Mall come October. Images: Getty.

See, while the windows of the carriage are bullet-proof, it's still flimsy compared to the President's usual ride.

“It would not be able to put up much resistance in the face of a rocket propelled grenade or high-powered ammunition," a police source told The Times. "Armour-piercing rounds would make a very bad show of things.”

The lavish request has ensured President Trump is copping a royal roasting on social media.

With all that effort going into making it happen, let's hope the President appreciates his fairytale moment.

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