
Donald Trump has been accused of rape. But Hillary Clinton is being blamed for her husband's actions.

We always knew Donald Trump would come out swinging after a video showed the truth of his vulgar views of women over the weekend, but we never thought he would go this low, or that his underlying message would have such an outdated sexist clarity to it.

But if there’s one thing we should know to expect from The Donald by now, it’s to not expect much at all. Not even the minimum level of human understanding or decency.

Appearing at a press conference just hours ahead of the second presidential debate on Sunday, Donald Trump was joined by four women – three who allege they were sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton, and one whose alleged sexual attacker was defended by Hillary Clinton.


Donald Trump during the first presidential debate. Source: Getty. 

The press conference lasted just three and a half minutes and allowed for no questions from the media.

Obviously, there's nothing trivial about the allegations these women are making. They're serious, and they should not be silenced or swept under the rug.

But Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton did not commit sexual assault, and has not been accused of sexual assault.

Trump is using Hillary Clinton husband's behaviour against her, as though she is in some way directly and personally responsible for his actions. It is misogynistic and seriously misguided.

Trump's press conference ahead of the presidential debate. Post continues... 

Video by Donald J Trump

By attempting to tar Hillary with the same brush as Bill, Trump continues to pledge allegiance to the outdated trope of pushing a woman aside to look around for the man of the house to engage in debate with.

But while he stupidly looks for the man of the house to sling mud at, Hillary is busy debating for the most distinguished house in the country.


Hillary Clinton during the first presidential debate. Source: Getty. 

Irrespective of what side you sit on, these are the facts:

In 1991, Donald Trump was accused of raping his then-wife, Ivana Trump.

In 1994, he was accused of raping a child aged just 13 years old.

In 1996, he was accused of calling that year's Miss Universe winner, Alicia Machado "Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping." When she gained what he felt was too much weight, he invited members of the press to shoot her working out.


In 1997, he was accused of attempting to rape Jill Harth.

And now a video reveals that in 2005, he was recorded telling Billy Bush, "You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful [women]. I just start kissing them. (Post continues after gallery.)

"It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it.

You can do anything... Grab ’em by the p*ssy.

"You can do anything."

When he made these comments, he had recently married his current wife, Melania.

Donald Trump during the debate. Source: Facebook.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has never been accused of, or caught on tape admitting to, assaulting anyone.

So why is she being forced to answer for her husband?

Most probably, it's because Trump fundamentally believes that a woman's place is behind the man she marries.

That, if she can't keep her husband in line, how will she ever keep the nation in line?

That a woman's lot in life is to carry the burden of her husband's bad decisions.

Hillary Clinton at the second presidential debate

Hillary Clinton during the most recent debate. Source: Getty.

Following the conference, Clinton's representatives released a short but succinct statement addressing the matter.

"We're not surprised to see Donald Trump continue his destructive race to the bottom," the statement read.

"Hillary Clinton understands the opportunity in this town hall is to talk to voters and on stage and in the audience about the issues that matter to them, and this stunt doesn't change that. If Donald doesn't see that, that's his loss.

"As always, she's prepared to handle whatever Donald Trump throws her way."

It's clear that Hillary Clinton is not her husband. She's a viable candidate for the presidency of the United States.

But that then begs the question, who the hell is Donald Trump?

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