
A list of all the excuses Don Burke made for the vile sexual harassment claims against him.

On Monday morning, Fairfax Media published the results of a joint investigation with ABC detailing dozens of allegations of sexual harassment against legendary television personality, Don Burke.

On Monday evening, on prime time television, the 70-year-old had a chance to defend himself.

No one was expecting an apology or admission – the former host of Channel Nine ratings juggernaut Burke’s Backyard had vehemently denied the allegations to Fairfax Media’s Kate McClymont, saying the report was “unfair and unworthy journalism” from a “small clique of malcontents”.

On this bonus episode of Out Loud, Holly, Rachel and Jessie discuss Don Burke and ask the question – what happens next?

So when it came time to rebut the accusations of that clique – more than 50 people altogether, according to Fairfax – he offered A Current Affair host Tracy Grimshaw the following the excuses.

1. “I have Asperger’s.”

“I haven’t been medically diagnosed but I’ve worked it out, that that’s what I’ve got. And what it is… and it’s a terrible failing. I can look at a lens, but I have real difficult looking anyone in the eye. That’s a typical thing,” he said.

“I miss all their body language and often the subtle signs that people give to you, like ‘back off, that’s enough’. I don’t see that. I suffer from a terrible problem with that, of not seeing. No one can understand how you can’t see it, but you don’t.”


Questioned whether he then may in fact be “guilty of these things”, he responded, “No. Absolutely not. What I’ve defended as all the words that I didn’t say and all the rest of it, I’m quite certain of all of that.”

2. “That is up to the people of Australia.”

“I want to say to the people of Australia that this is their chance to judge. This is my story, make up your mind if I am the most evil person who has ever lived.

“That is your decision.”

3. “It’s 30 years ago.”

“A lot of this was 30 years ago. Who remembers what happens 30 years ago? What I know is that I know what I will say and what I will not say. I am quite confident in all of that.

“I think, with time, I can’t remember exact things I did 20 years ago. I would challenge anyone to get something right with that memory from then.”

Tracey Spicer talks to Mia Freedman about the investigation that’s uncovering Australian media’s Weinsteins. (Post continues).

4. He knows who he is.

“A lot of them I cannot remember. But I know what I would say and what I wouldn’t say. I know what I would never do and I would never do those things said.


“You know who you are.”

5. “It’s a witch hunt.” 

“I might have terrified a few people, or whatever, and that I shouldn’t have done that, but these sort of things there no relation to who I am and what I am about. There are plenty of people who were there at the time and are furious, because these things didn’t happen.”

6. He has ethics.

“I have ethics.”

7. Women have a victim mentality.

“I think this whole Harvey Weinstein thing reinforces the victim mentality of women.”

8. Grudges.

The accusers have “carried a grudge for all that time.”

9. People don’t like him.

“Some people don’t like me. I was tough, I had to be tough. I am sorry, and I might have gone a bit far, and I might have done that with others, and now they are thinking it is their chance to nail me with the current trend everybody is on about. I don’t think it is a conspiracy, I think it’s just the time of the world at the moment.”

Don Burke was not paid for the interview.

To watch the full episode, visit the A Current Affair website here.

You can read Kate McClymont’s report here.

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