real life

One photo, each day, of the worst year of her life.

Warning: The following post may trigger difficult memories/emotions for those who have experienced domestic violence or an abusive relationship. Some of the images in the video are quite graphic and confronting.

Thousands of women (and men) are subject to domestic violence every day. But the brutal truth and the heartbreaking reality of violence is often impossible to comprehend for those on the outside.

This video documents one woman’s experience of an abusive relationship over the course of a year.

It will astound you.

Fortunately no one was hurt in the making of this video. It was made using professional makeup in an effort to spread the message. If however this post brings up any issues for you, contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) or go to their website. They are the national sexual assault and domestic family violence counselling service.

White Ribbon is Australia’s campaign to stop violence against women. You can donate to them here or, better still, get all the men in your life to take their oath to never commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women.

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