
One woman a week is killed by violence. Here's where the major parties stand on the issue.

To keep up to date with the federal election campaign as we head to the polls to vote on May 21, visit our election hub page. There you'll find analysis, explainers and all the results of our Mamamia Votes survey. 

For the past few years, rage at the entrenched systems and lack of support that's allowed violence against women to bubble away so successfully, has grown exponentially. 

Over the years the statistics have barely budged. One woman a week is still killed by a former or current partner according to Our Watch. 

More and more names have been added to a macabre list that has embedded itself in our psyche. Among them; Hannah Clarke. Nikita Chawla. Allison Baden Clay. 

As we prepare to head to the polls, there's no doubt action on domestic violence has emerged as a key election issue. 

Amongst our audience alone, 32.6 per cent nominated action on family and domestic violence as one of their top five issues. 


Here is what the major parties are promising in this space: 

The Coalition.

  • $2.5 billion investment in the first five years of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and their Children, including $1.3 billion in the most recent budget. That money will go towards prevention, early intervention, response and recovery.
  • Australia's first National Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner on a five-year term.
  • Expansion of the role of e-Safety Commissioner to include online safety issues, including image-based abuse.
  • $16.6 million for a new telephone service to provide support for women and children experiencing technology-facilitated abuse.
  • 43 of 55 recommendations of the Respect@Work Report.


  • 500 new community sector workers, half of which will be in rural and regional communities.
  • Establish a new Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Commissioner to act as a strong voice for victim-survivors.  
  • $100 million towards crisis accommodation.
  • $1.6 billion building 4000 new social housing properties specifically allocated for women and children fleeing domestic and family violence.   
  • Legislate for 10 days of paid domestic violence leave.
  • Work with states and territories on a national definition of domestic violence that includes coercive control.
  • $79 million for justice reinvestment for First Nations communities to reduce incarceration rates, including early intervention to reduce family violence.  
  • Investing $77 million to help make sure all Australian school students are able to access high quality, age-appropriate consent and respectful relationships education. 
  • All of the recommendations from the Respect@Work Report.


  • $12 billion to support the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children and a standalone National Plan for First Nations Women’s Safety.
  • Doubling funding for women’s legal services and Family Violence Prevention Legal Services.
  • $477 million to support the national rollout of Our Watch’s Respectful Relationships education in all public schools. 
  • $10,000 Survivor Grants for women escaping abuse.
  • Legislate for 10 days of paid domestic violence leave.
  • Trial a national disclosure scheme for women worried about a partner’s history of violence.
  • Improve the family law system.

Independents/politicians doing great stuff for DV.

More than 200 candidates for the upcoming election have committed to take some action on women’s safety if they are elected to parliament, with 65 candidates fully committing to a pledge for a safer future.

Of note in that list are independent candidates, Nicollete Boele (Bradfield), Kylea Tink (North Sydney) and Kim Rubenstein (ACT Senate), as well as sitting parliamentarians Andrew Wilkie (Clark) and Peter Whish-Wilson (Tasmanian Senator). 

The pledge, launched by Fair Agenda, contains six specific commitments. They include; committing to doing what it takes to ending gender-based violence, championing strong action, pushing for proper funding, voting for better legal and institutional responses for victim-survivors, voting for safer workplaces and championing reforms for a safer parliament. 

Find candidates near you who've taken the pledge here.

Here's more election coverage: 

Feature image: Getty/AAP/Mamamia.

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