
The solution to dark under-eye circles? Haemorrhoid cream. (Really.)


Image: Mollie Harwood

I made this video in response to the below question from one of my beauties:

Hi Mollie,

Do you have any recommended eye creams for puffy dark circles?



Hey Peta,

So we’ve all heard about haemorrhoid cream for dark circles and puffy bags under the eyes – they use it backstage at every fashion show at every fashion week around the world.

But does it really work for us mere (REAL) mortals?

I think YES. See what you think…

Video via Mollie Harwood

* I am not a medical expert. My use is “off-label” and I have used in this way at my own risk. If you have sensitive or reactive skin, this may not be for you.

Use at your own discretion, and good luck!

Do you use anything to treat your dark circles? What works best for you?

This article was originally published on Mollie Makeup. Read the original article here. You can find out more about Mollie on her website, Facebook page and on Instagram.

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