
From curing warts to cleaning fridges: Why the Mamamia team are using apple cider vinegar.

A cursory glance at any wellness blog will tell you that second to water, and maybe coconut oil, apple cider vinegar is the most valuable resource on this earth.

Some even call it the liquid of the Gods (capital G because it’s just that damn good).

What can’t it do?

The immune booster, metabolism speeder-uperer, multi-tasking beauty product, and cleaner has transcended the health food aisle and into our kitchens, faces, and stomachs. But bar the Instagram wellness elite, do real people use it? It would seem so.

Except I was troubled by its off-putting smell, harsh taste, and hold a general cynicism for wellness fads. So I wanted to know if it actually works and took it upon myself to investigate this further with the Mamamia staff as my subject pool.

The results will astound you… Maybe.

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1. Holly Wainwright | Head of Content

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How do you use apple cider vinegar?
To get rid of warts, I dab it on my little daughters' warts on her knee and foot.

Why did you start using it?
Someone told me that apple cider vinegar was a natural way to get rid of warts. My daughter has a couple of little ones and I didn't want to use anything too harsh, so I thought I'd give it a go.

Does it work?
Too soon to tell, but it makes me feel smug.


Would you recommend it to a friend?
Yes, for the smugness!

2. Briony Leake | Sydney Campaign Activations Manager

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How do you use apple cider vinegar?
I add about a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass warm water when I'm fussing around in the kitchen in the morning. Don't ask why it has to be warm! I don't mind the taste of it, and will sometimes add it to a bottle of water for flavour during the day.

Does it work?
I have zero proof of it doing anything positive for my health, however, it's a habit I'm in and I tell myself it's keeping my insides sparkly and clean.

Would you recommend it to a friend?
Sure, if you're like me and enjoy morning rituals and also feeling good about your health.

3. Valentina Todoroska| Deputy Editor

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How do you use apple cider vinegar?
I mix two tablespoons with half a lemon and a bit of honey and black tea and hot water, I drink that and find it helps my sore throat.

Why did you start using it?
I started because I'd read lots about its benefits online and it was on sale at the chemist so thought I would try it out.

Does it work?
I feel like it's helped ease my symptoms and helped with my sore and itchy throat.

4. Jessica Wang | Editorial Assistant

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How do you use apple cider vinegar?
In search of volumionous hair, with a can-do attitude, I did an in-shower pre-conditioner treatment once.

Why did you start using it?
A combination of Instagram and alternative wellness blogs had me enthralled. Plus I thought if it was good enough for Kourtney Kardashian it was good enough for me. This way of thinking continues to fail me.


Does it work?
Maybe it's because I have long, thick oily hair, or maybe I didn't rinse it out properly, but while I felt like it made my hair lighter, I stank of apple cider vinegar for weeks.

Would you recommend it to a friend?
Not unless you want to smell like a very sad salad that you find when clearing out the staff fridge. It does however make a delicious salad dressing when mixed with olive oil, salt and pepper, english mustard, and a bit of honey.

5. Amy Clark | Editorial Assistant

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How do you use apple cider vinegar?
On the days I remember, I put a cap full of the stuff in a glass of warm water with a bit of lemon. Then, I drink it - and feel like a bit of fraud while doing so. Even though it tastes kind of sour and it's not all that pleasant, I do feel like I've done something good for my body by drinking the apple cider vinegar.

Why did you start using it?
I started using apple cider vinegar when a magazine told me to. They promised it would make my insides all shiny and fresh, so I was sold.

Does it work?
I'm not 100 per cent sure what it does or if it works, but it makes me feel good. And pretty much everyone on Instagram does it so, yeah, I'll keep doing it!

Would you recommend it to a friend?
Yeah, I couldn't tell them why, but I would.

6. Adam Bub | Commercial Editor

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How do you use apple cider vinegar?
When I'm sick I mix it with ice cold water (it tastes like puke if it's warm) and honey, and drink it as if it were apple juice. With a grimace on my face with each sip.


Why did you start using it?
I went to a yoga retreat and the instructor made a big deal of putting ACV in everything, from drinks to salad dressings.

Does it work?
Personally, I think it works if you do other things to feel better, i.e. sleep enough, rest enough. Otherwise, it's not an instant miracle cure. But I have noticed if my stomach is unsettled, ACV can help calm it down.

Would you recommend it to a friend?
I would, but I'd also recommend not substituting it for other attempts to get healthy.

7. Lize Ratliff | Senior Podcast Producer

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How do you use apple cider vinegar?
I use it to clean my fridge and get rid of bad odours, and I'm taking a shot of it in the morning because my grandma says it's good to lower blood pressure.

Why did you start using it?
My grandma told me apple cider vinegar can fix anything. From bad smells in the fridge, to removing stains from your carpet, to helping you deal with the dreaded PMS bloat.

Does it work?
It does. Especially the bad smells in the fridge. Leave a cup of it in there overnight and all strange odours are gone.

Would you recommend it to a friend?
Heck yes!

How do you use apple cider vinegar? 

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