Ah, school photos. The time of year when every parent feels the pressure to fork out the big dollars for what is essentially, the worst picture ever taken of your child.
I’ve just done this with my son’s preschool photos.
I actually only found out about the photos because I was cleaning out the containers growing penicillin from his bag and happened across a scrunched up piece of paper. On one side was a drawing he assured me was a “dragon breathing fire” but looked remarkably like a drawing of dick and balls. On the other side was instructions for this year’s preschool photos.
Oh goody, they’re on today.
Given that I’d already run the gauntlet of getting him dressed, this year’s theme was going to be “clothes that are too small for me but it wasn’t worth the fight getting me to change”.
Naturally, the photos were scheduled for just after morning tea so my son would be probably be red and sweaty with random bits of hair stuck to his face, not dissimilar to what I imagine pre-teens look like after jostling for a fan girl pic of Harry Styles.
I was also keen to see how every year they manage to outdo themselves in the “wtf is he doing” shot of my son. Pale, staring lifelessly like a stunned mullet and with a bung eye that I’ve never seen anywhere except in these pictures. Like any mother I think my kids are gorgeous. Amazingly though, each and every school photo makes them look like Gollum.