
Robin Bailey has a message for the friend who betrayed her.

Thanks to our brand partner, Cetaphil


I have two questions for you this week.

What kind of friend are you?

How would you respond if a friend betrayed you?

They’re big questions I’ve been thinking about recently after a very painful experience I had with a friend who unexpectedly and very publicly betrayed my trust last month.

It was an act that had big implications on my family and one I’m still – a month later – struggling to forgive.

Robin speaks about what happened to her on this weeks episode of The Well:

Betrayal and forgiveness. They’re big questions and this week on our podcast The Well we dive deep. Is it okay NOT to forgive a friend? Are forgiving and forgetting really so different?

But let me take a step back and answer my first question. What type of a friend am I?

I would say a good one, if not demanding! I love my friends passionately and would do anything for them, but in return I expect loyalty.

My life experience has taught me that a true friend will see you through thick and thin regardless of the journey and will stand by you no matter the situation. It’s what I would do for them! Which is why I suppose I was so shocked and devastated when a friend decided to ‘sell me out’ by taking a private photo from my very private Facebook page and selling it (or perhaps they just gave it) to the media.

Bec Sparrow and Robin Bailey recording The Well Podcast

So this week you’ll hear me trying to work through the betrayal with my good mate Bec Sparrow. We talk through what happened, the health benefits of forgiveness (and the price we pay for holding grudges) and whether or not it really matters if we forgive someone or not.

I end the episode with a message for my friend:

The Well is our podcast where we talk about the head, the heart, and the happiness of life. You can listen in itunes or Soundcloud. I hope you tune in. I’d love to hear your thoughts and advice on forgiving a friend and whether you think I’ve done the right thing. Let me know!

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