We are living in the Age of the Dog and no one, least of all me, is acting cool about it.
My dog Caesar studies engineering, with the hope of one day working for the council in the department of parks.
He thinks obsessively about walks, and doesn’t like other dogs.
In particular, he hates dogs that seem to think they’re faster than him. “They’re not,” he says. “I’m the fastest dog in the park.”
Yesterday, he ate half a packet of grain waves and when we spoke to him about it he blamed the cat (we don’t have a cat).
And then there’s my childhood dog, Ted.
Ted was fired from McDonalds after eating all the cheeseburgers, and now he won’t even talk about it.
He doesn’t trust people on bicycles because once he fell off a bike and is now traumatised. Poor Teddy.
Oh. And then there’s my friend’s dog Bella. First and foremost, she’s a feminist. That’s why she growls at men, especially ones in hats. She is also sassy, mostly because she was born in the ghetto and is now completely spoilt. We’ve rewritten the song ‘Jenny from the Block’ to make it about Bella and she used to have “a little now she has a lot…” etc.
If you do not have a dog, or identify as a ‘non-dog person’ – you’re angry. And you probably have some questions.