My niece Allira is 11 going on 25.
She comes to stay with me quite often and she’s getting to that stage where she’s Officially Not Interested In Being A Little Girl Anymore. Toys and Disney have become make-up and Instagram. Her teddy has been traded in for an iPod. She likes Sailor Moon – but only in the ‘vintage/ironic’ way.
She teaches me all kinds of things about what’s cool with the kids. Apparently, I don’t know anything about anything, so I always listen intently when she offers me advice on the latest tween-trends. Mostly it’s all harmless stuff (she likes Lorde as well as Miley so I figure that’s a good balance) but last weekend she introduced me to the very scary new phenomenon of DIY photo-doctoring.
Basically, she has downloaded an app onto her iPod that allows her to doctor any photo she’s taken of herself. She can ‘thinnify’ her face, whiten her teeth, plump her lips, even add make-up. All of her friends do it, she told me. She went through her photo album and showed me a bunch of pics she’d ‘touched-up’.
To her, it’s not so much about explicitly improving the way she looks as it is a fun kind of art project. Adding eyeliner to her face in an instant is just a funky novelty. But regardless of her intentions, I can see the way it’s affecting her self-image. She mentioned more than once that she much preferred the ‘after’ shots to the ‘before’ ones. And why not? What 11 year old girl already up against the current warped ideals of beauty could resist changes like this: