Where do I start…
It’s 5:39am on Saturday 26th April 2013 and I am experiencing my son’s “first sleepover” with his Daddy. He is now a statistic. A kid from a broken home. He doesn’t seem to understand it yet, but the mother in me makes my heart break for him.
Today all I can think of is numbers. Six days a go my husband, the man I have spent the last 10 years and 6 months with told me he has met another woman and he is leaving me. It is now 27 days until our second child is due to be born by c-section. Yesterday, was the 10th anniversary of our engagement. As my ex keeps pointing out to me, I am not the first woman whose husband has left her — but why I am I feeling like I am?
You know what is the most frustrating thing for me? I don’t hate him. In fact, I still love him. Ridiculous isn’t it? How can I possibly love a man who walked out on me less than five weeks before the birth of our second child and in the same week as our 5-year-old boy has being diagnosed with ADHD? And the reason why? I spent 10 ½ years with this man, I know that he is a good person with a good heart. I would not have married him and created 2 babies with him if I thought he was not of good character.
We have being together since we were 19 and 20. Married at 22 and 23, in hindsight maybe we were too young? My husband – let’s call him Jeremy – certainly thinks that he has missed out on his freedom during these years. I guess I have being waiting 10 years for him to grow up and it has never happened.