Picture the scene. It’s 7pm. Your child is running around the house, screaming his or her little socks off. Clothes are being swung around the head and they are teasing their sibling every time they run past.
It is late in the day, you have just returned from work, the lunches still need to be made, dinner to be cleaned up, showers taken, books read and lights out.
The whole exercise is a few hours and you just want to get it done. You have already had enough for the day.
The screaming lunatic running around your home has other ideas. You can tell they are in one of their moods. You feel your stress levels rising.
Tonight you tell yourself you are going to be calm. There will be no shouting. You think of the mindfulness apps you have downloaded. You take yourself to your happy place and zone out for a few seconds. Refocused, you come back to the moment and calmly tell the child to stop running around and to step into the shower.
You receive no acknowledgement except the sound of a manic laugh. His partner-in-crime is now also jumping up and down on the couch.
You think of watermelon smoothies in Thailand and massages on the beach. And you repeat yourself. This time more forcefully.
There is still no response. So you target the sensible one.