
Open post: The best stuff we bought this week

Image: Diorskin Forever Compact; Hourglass Liquid Lipstick

The only thing more exciting than a new buy is validating your purchase by talking about it. Here are the best things from our shopping basket this week.

We loved…

Kahla, Staff Writer at The Glow: Hiking boots wouldn’t usually be my idea of an ‘exciting’ purchase, but I was stoked to buy a pair from Kathmandu. My excitement was twofold: a) they were heavily discounted, and b) my monstrous size was actually available, which never happens when you wear an 11. I’m off to South Africa next month, where I’ll be traipsing around national reserves, safari parks and waterfalls, so I can’t wait to give these babies a spin.

Krystle, sales manager at The Mamamia Network: I’ve just arrived home from an overseas trip, and while I was away I shopped a lot. The best thing I brought home with me is a compact of Diorskin Forever powder. I have really oily skin, and foundation and concealer don’t stay on my face. But this works as a foundation, a concealer and a powder. It’s brilliant. I’m using it on my whole face.

Alyx, editor of The Glow: After weeks of putting it off, I bought myself mixed nuts to keep in the office as a snack. I hate paying for nuts, because I always feel like they’re too expensive, especially my favourites: macadamias. But now I have them I’m so glad I did it. Having a healthy snack on-hand for whenever I’m feeling peckish has made a monumental difference to my mood levels. And now I know why. I know $12 (or however much they cost at your local supermarket) seems like a lot compared to the rest of you groceries, but it’s worth it.


Mia, founder and publisher of the Mamamia Network: I have re-bought a brilliant lipstick. I saw Leila McKinnon wearing it on Today and asked the Channel 9 makeup girls what it was. They used it on me one day and I was hooked. It’s incredibly high in pigment and sort of matt and moisturising at the same time. I had to buy it again because I lost it! I suspect it’s in the pocket of something but I use it so much I got another one. It’s like a dark, berry shade but not too dark, just like you’ve been snacking on mulberries.

We regret…

Avi, writer at iVillageThis week I decided to trade my raisin toast and butter for a healthy breakfast alternative. The internet said quinoa bircher muesli is the most amazing, delicious breakfast in the world. So I bought quinoa flakes. And made it. I had it this morning. The internet lied. It tasted like dirt. I even put strawberries and walnuts and chia seeds on it. It tasted like dirt with strawberries and walnuts and chia seeds.


What have you bought and loved this week? Share! Share! SHARE!

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