real life

8 conversations to shake up your next dinner party.







Well, the party season is almost upon us (happy dance!)

Prepare yourself for masses of good food, yummy wine and catching up with friends.

But what happens if you’re at a party where the guests don’t know each other that well and the convo is, well, a little forced?

Perhaps it’s a work chrissy party with other divisions? Or drinks with neighbours that you’ve only seen a couple of times over the fence?

Whatever the occasion, it pays to have a few sneaky “ice breakers” or conversation starters up your sleeve to avoid the dreaded “ummm… I’m just going to refill my glass” (cue running noises and car engines starting).

1. If you had to choose between a sentence in exile by yourself, or a cell with 10 other people, which would you choose and why?

This one could reveal some interesting facts about your convo buddy. If for some reason they start mentioning their “sentence” in the past tense and recalling stories that seem way too detailed to be hypotheticals, you may want to chase the canapé lady down and hide on the other side of the room though.

 Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Brown Brothers. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words. 

2. Would you rather have no one show up to your wedding or no one show up to your funeral?

Ohhh tricky, for me I think I’d choose the no show at the funeral. The reason being, frankly, is that I wouldn’t know.


3. If you could choose to go back and meet your ancestors, or go into the future and meet your great, great, great grandchildren which would you choose?

I’ll be honest, I nicked this one off a friend during my last round of “would you rather” and really, it’s a goodie. Personally I think this one could be used on a wide range of ages so is perfectly acceptable for Nanna’s nursing home Christmas do or the preschool concert. Save the “would you rathers” involving parental sexy times for your nearest and dearest.

4. Pick one: The ability to read people’s minds, or the ability to fly.

If you asked me this yesterday, I would have said I’d love the ability to read minds, but I’ve just sat in Sydney traffic for two and a half hours so today it’s flying all the way, baby.

Come on, not even a little bit?

5. If you could trade places with anyone in the world right now, who would it be?

Another insightful one here. Find out if your chatting mate is more politically minded or a gossip mag queen. You can tailor the rest of your chinwag from there.

6. Would you rather have legs as long as your fingers or fingers as long as your legs?

Deep. So deep.

7. Would you rather find true love or have $10 million dollars in the bank?

Yeah, yeah. You’re all going to say true love but I reckon a couple of red bottomed shoes would ease the loneliness.

8. Design the ideal holiday. Where would it be and what would you do?

This one seems kinda tame, and it is. But it’s a good follow on for endless clucking about past travel stories, destinations and upcoming trips.


What are your fail-safe conversation starters?


And for some delicious dinner party food options to go with your killer conversation, scroll through these …



Whether it’s out and about, or just staying in, there’s nothing like lively conversation with friends over amazing wine. We can totally relate. We’ve been having great conversations with our drinkers for years, asking the kind of questions we need to plant the right grapes, combine the right flavours and create wines you love to drink. In our 125th year, we’re taking the conversation to a new, and celebratory level. It all starts with an intriguing box of questions, designed to make any get together all the more captivating. Together with our inspiring new Colourful Conversations hub, full of sensational food, wine and styling tips, your next celebration, however big or small, is going to be your best ever.  #makeitcolourful

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